I walk up and down the stairs (I'm on the 4th floor) a couple times a day, plus around the building a couple times if it's nice enough out. Going outside really makes a difference. I also cleaned up my diet a bunch in the last few years (I use the fitbit app to track my food). I'm down 60 pounds in 2 years.
Do what some of us do. Got smokers in the office that go out for smoke breaks? Go walk at the same time they go. What I also do is instead of emailing or calling someone in the same building, go talk face to face. Walk the halls on break if the weather is bad.
Gym balls, they are pretty convenient in the office)
Last month, we finally build a small gym in the office. Part of the equipment was ordered, another part was welded by us.
Including horizontal bar made of steel rails.

9/25/17 10:38 a.m.
Eat at desk or while working. On your lunch break, take a real break, and get out and walk.
I know some people don't take lunches. They are stupid. My wife can be stupid like this sometimes. She regrets it later in the day. Food is energy, excercise is momentum.
Concerning the exercises in the office, we were brought several such seats, a rare muck. I am 1.90 m\tall and I can not sit on it. So I just go to the gym.

New Reader
10/14/17 9:53 a.m.
Join a nearby gym, and go during lunch.
I'm almost 30, but would workout 2 hours every single day after school/work pretty much my whole life.
The past two years, I slowly stopped wanting to sit in the gym for two hours after work, eventually stopped working out all together. Finally got myself back on track a few months ago, when I joined a rock climbing gym near my office. I go every single day during lunch.
Best decision I've made this year.
wlkelley3 said:
Do what some of us do. Got smokers in the office that go out for smoke breaks? Go walk at the same time they go. What I also do is instead of emailing or calling someone in the same building, go talk face to face. Walk the halls on break if the weather is bad.
Not a bad way to meet someone too. Problem is they're smokers but hey...
Agree with fifty. If you are a cyclist, Zwift is awesome. You will suffer, in a good way. If not, Men's Health has a bunch of workout routines on their web site, including some you can do without weights.