This one guy that recently started working in our division is a stoner, I just know it.
TWICE he has tried to talk to me about weed. Now, I may be a relatively chillaxed guy (I'm not, I just look it) with long-ish hair that says "dude" every once in a while, but that does not mean I'm your green party voting stoner buddy who thinks weed is great.
When you mention the hemp (HEMP, not weed) that the Alberta gov is growing at one of our other locations (which as a material is great for building many different products) and I engage in conversation about something our company is affiliated with, that doesn't mean I want to know about your personal use. This makes me think you are a retard.
Is there a way to verbally communicate this to him without asking him to stop talking to me? I have a very strong position on drug use, and do not like even being associated with people who do drugs.
Mention casually your BIL is a narc
Next time he starts, just tell him, "I don't want to hear about it".
You shouldn't have to do it twice.
Print out some flyers for a local drug rehab place. When he starts talking about it, hand him one. That or some Jehovah Witness flyers will probably make him never talk to you again.
And the next time he starts up that conversation, go right to your boss and tell him in detail. And tell him your brother/sister/relative is a canadian DEA agent.
Ha! Try working in a hospital emergency room and all the crazy E36 M3 that rolls through those doors! You can't help but talk about it. 
Next time he starts, jut say "Dude, I'm not 420-friendly."
5/13/11 8:48 p.m.
Toyman01 wrote:
...or some Jehovah Witness flyers will probably make him never talk to you again.
I love this idea, or when he starts ask him if he has accepted Jesus Christ as his lord and savior?
get "i dont wanna hear it" by minor threat on your phone, and as soon as he starts in, start playing it and staring at him very uncomfortably.
Use basic social skills, common sense, and a friendly attitude. You do keep some of those in your toolbox, right?
Reach for your handy recording device
tell him that you don't have time to talk to stoners about stoner stuff.. or maybe casually mention how awesome Sean Hannity is..
I much prefer a polite "Do I look like a stoner to you?" line of questioning. Either that or outright ignore them. Sometimes they don't listen.
I had a similar experiance once. I mentioned my work with detection dogs and that my (then) current dog was an ex narc dog. That comment was followed by him quickly heading to his desk then to the bathroom at a almost speed walking pace and him coming back out rather quickly. Never bothered me again.
This person up to that point would come back from breaks reaking of pot. Never again after that though he did not last there much longer.
I vote for just telling him that you do not want to talk about it.. if you have to explain it, he is too far gone
Zomby woof wrote:
Next time he starts, just tell him, "I don't want to hear about it".
You shouldn't have to do it twice.
If you have to do it twice, tell him you'll narc on him if he keeps it up.
"Sorry, I'm kinda busy and that's not work related".
Maybe (tongue firmly in cheek) the stoner is an RCMP narc ,and your employers are searching out drug users. They're watching you !!
DeadSkunk wrote:
Maybe (tongue firmly in cheek) the stoner is an RCMP narc ,and your employers are searching out drug users. They're watching you !!
My tongue is not in my cheek and I'm not smiley captioning this reply.
I will walk away from someone mid-sentence if they start talking about something I don't want to hear about.
But I'm a dick.
Q: "How do I tell someone I don't smoke weed?"
A: You tell them "I don't smoke weed?"
Was that so hard?
Have you ever posted on grassroots? Have you ever posted on Grassroots on weed?
poopshovel wrote:
Q: "How do I tell someone I don't smoke weed?"
A: You tell them "I don't smoke weed?"
Was that so hard?
But then it would have been over before he could complain about it on the Internet. THINK, man, THINK.
Maybe you've figured this guy all wrong. Maybe he has glaucoma and wants to discuss the medicinal benefits of THC and the political football that is marijuana law reform.
You really sound uptight for a guy in his early 20's. Maybe a little reefer wouldn't hurt. I was chronic at your age and look how perfect I turned out.