If my car headed off towards everything I looked at while I was driving I couldn't afford insurance.
eyeDriver lets you drive a car using the eyes alone
Not all technologies have the same effect on the consumer front, yet they create an impression. eyeDriver which lets a driver drive a car by looking at where he wants to go, is one such impressive contraption. Developed by SensoMotoric and the Free University of Berlin, the eyeDriver is equipped with two cameras and an infrared LED to track the eyes movement, which is recorded on the onboard computer to direct the steering wheel to turn accordingly. The video shows the test run of the specially designed helmet, hit the jump and enjoy the future
I would run over every good looking woman in town with that device
The biggest problem is that the eye is attracted to movement. The average sheeple would be driving toward every noise and movement that was out there. (Firetrucks, Expencive Cars, Pretty women) Also, how would you look in the mirror?
yeah, I constantly look over my shoulder to check lane changes. Would the car pull a U?
It would be really easy to tell if an autocrosser was looking ahead or not.
I am suddently realizing that eyes are meant to accept input from the environtment...not provide output to it...
That brings target fixation to a whole new level.
Kia_racer wrote:
The biggest problem is that the eye is attracted to movement. The average sheeple would be driving toward every noise and movement that was out there. (Firetrucks, Expencive Cars, Pretty women) Also, how would you look in the mirror?
SWEET Jebus! You could go backward thru time!
So all that time I have spent driving accident free since, well, I was born in 1960, I've been doing it wrong? You are supposed to stare directly ahead, ignoring all crossroads, other lanes of traffic, oncoming cars.......
I cannot imagine a greater waste of effort, unless it were applied to a quads wheelchair.
We were also taught to keep your eyes moving, scan your mirrors ect. This would cause all kinds of havoc.
Kia_racer wrote:
The biggest problem is that the eye is attracted to movement. The average sheeple would be driving toward every noise and movement that was out there. (Firetrucks, Expencive Cars, Pretty women) Also, how would you look in the mirror?
you are so unique and perfect.

4/29/10 8:02 a.m.
Wally wrote:
We were also taught to keep your eyes moving, scan your mirrors ect. This would cause all kinds of havoc.
I was taught and do the same. Would probably get me arrested for drunk driving, weaving all over the road.
How am I supposed to text and eat my McMuffin with that thing on?