So, surprise, surprise. My kids spend some time online playing video games like Overwatch. Team chat being a necessity, they have gaming headsets. These things work for a period of weeks or months, then don't. I think mostly it's a wiring degradation thing, but I don't really want to go the Bluetooth route because I figure their young brains are being cooked with enough RF radiation already.
Both kids' systems have a small amp and a set of speakers, but they prefer headphones. If it was up to me, I'd add a desktop mic and call it a day.
So, gaming headsets. What's good? The Turtle Beach one lasted nine months and got good reviews. Extended warranty was a wise investment in this case.
I've owned a set of Razer Carcharias for probably 13 years now (has to be somewhere around there I bought them when I worked at Best Buy during college.) They survived 6 years of heavy WoW raid use and they're currently laying on my desk for when I host webinars for work 3 times a week. I don't know what all the bitching online regarding them is about.
I just bought a set of MPow EG3 Pros for under 20 bucks on Amazon for Clan Battles and divisioning in World of Warships. They're... ok. I don't like the mic as much as the Razer's because it's not detachable and it is fixed in place so I can't flip it up when not in use. I also don't find the faux leather cups super comfortable, unlike the microfiber ones on the Razers, nor are they as nice as the cups on the Bose QC15s.
I hear a lot of good things about the HyperX headsets but I've never used one.
If it's the wire being destroyed, maybe go for something with a replaceable line in? You can get replacement line ins for most Sennheisers (my previous set of headphones before the mic became necessary) and Bose QC15's. There's also a couple of mics out there that can piggy back on nicer headphones which weren't available a few years ago.
Thinking about it, I probably have way too many headphones laying around so I really should stop buying them. I'm counting 5 working pairs of circumaural aural headsets right now plus 4 sets of earbuds.
In reply to The0retical :
Thanks for the in-depth reply. I'll check out some of those options. I paid 60 for the Turtle Beach, and that's had the best record so far. I think my older son uses a Corsair headset that is also still working IIRC.
I've been having good luck with my pelican 400 series, lasted about a year so far, was under $50. Surprisingly, the cheapest set gamestop sells, while not comfortable at all, has been a good backup to keep around when my nicer ones break.
Mndsm, on the other hand, really loves his Sennheiser set, but that's probably more than you want to spend.
No problem. I'm a bit weird about headphones it seems.
Massdrop currently has a collaboration going with Sennheiser on the PC37X headset. If I were in the market for a new one that's one I'd strongly consider. They have a replaceable line in, are circumaural, noise canceling, have a flip up mic, and they check my Sennheiser fanboi box. But they're also $120 bucks.
If there's any other audiophiles reading this, Massdrop also carries the second most inexpensive electrostatic headset I've seen to date with Monoprice being the cheapest.
I'd go for cheap and with a warranty in your case. I loved my Turtle beaches. They just gave out last week after about 3 or 4 years. I'm pretty good with my equipment, but eventually the wires will always go. Personally I've switched to wireless Turtle Beaches for the Xbox (pretty nice) and Wireless Plantronics RIG (very high quality sound), although I don't use the mic, I have a desk mic for that. If you were willing, I'd switch to wireless, but to each their own.
9/9/19 1:18 p.m.
The0retical said:
No problem. I'm a bit weird about headphones it seems.
Massdrop currently has a collaboration going with Sennheiser on the PC37X headset. If I were in the market for a new one that's one I'd strongly consider. They have a replaceable line in, are circumaural, noise canceling, have a flip up mic, and they check my Sennheiser fanboi box. But they're also $120 bucks.
If there's any other audiophiles reading this, Massdrop also carries the second most inexpensive electrostatic headset I've seen to date with Monoprice being the cheapest.
I have a sennheiser game zero- the predecessor to the pc37 and its ilk. It's an extremely nice and well built set. It was also 200$ on clearance.
My kid had a hyper cloud...core? Whichever one has the metal frame. Hes blown apart every headset out there and as far as I know the hyper works good stil .
You shouldn't worry about a health & safety downside with Bluetooth headphones, the radiation is not only non-ionizing but also extremely low energy.
What you should worry about is a play time and longevity downside - those things won't last a full day of gaming, and the battery lifespan is finite. I also had an MPOW folding set fail from some kind of wire break to one of the speakers.
I can't advise on toughness, I'm too careful with everything to know.
I've used both razor and Corsair models over the years with good results but the last time a set died I wasn't gaming much and went cheaper and I'm now on 2 years with some 30 dollar logitechs I use for pubg mobile. The mic sucks on them though. When wow classic launched I purchased a new pair of steel series arctis5 on amazon that matched my new keyboard and so far so good.
As a headphone and gaming enthusiast, Philips SHP9500 with Vmoda Boom pro is where its at for best around $100.
If you want to step up from there with better holographic sound (though a little narrower staging) then there's the Sennheiser HD58X and New Fantasia microphone cable for ~$180.
If you want one of the best gaming cans in existance, get a used Sennheiser HD700 for $250 to $300 and will need to add in some kind of mic solution like a modmic. Only thing better I've found than the HD700 is STAX electrostats. HD700 has unbelieveable soundstage (not quite as big as the HD800) but also precise imaging and extremely clean and open sound.
STAX L- series Advanced Lambdas (Specifically the L300 Limited or L700) aren't quite as spacious/wide sounding but have some of the best imaging and detail you will hear in a headphone. You'd have to step up serious in price to HIGH, HIGH END to best them or maybe something like the RAAL SR1a ribbon driver headphone.
Thanks for all the info, guys!
My son made the decision, since his keyboard and mouse are by Razor. So we ordered a Razor Kraken (gotta love the name!) from Amazon with the 3-year extended warranty. It was $60, so the check coming for the dead one covers it.
here is the list of [waterproof canoe headsets] of 2020
It's a bit early in the season for canoeing, but I can report that the Corsair is still functioning satisfactorily. The sound on the Razor mic was apparently sub-par, and so Son #2 has taken to using a USB microphone (scored from Parts Express) in conjunction with the headset. I think he's happy with this setup. For now. 
I got the Sony gold gaming headset for my PS4 and found that it is also great on my pc. Far from audio file quality but very good for general every day use.
2/17/20 4:55 p.m.
Two years on and my Sennheiser is still awesome. The mic cord failed about a month ago, but I was able to order one from Amazon and have it on my doorstep before I left work the next morning. No other problems.
2/18/20 6:46 a.m.
Mndsm said:
Two years on and my Sennheiser is still awesome. The mic cord failed about a month ago, but I was able to order one from Amazon and have it on my doorstep before I left work the next morning. No other problems.
I have the Game Zero as well and the part that really makes these worth the while is the fact that the cords ARE replaceable so when they inevitably break like all headsets do you can replace a $10 cord instead of a $100 headset.
And I know this is a zombie resurrection thread but I wonder what the OPs kid thought of the Razer headset. I had one and found it terribly uncomfortable but it could just be my fat head :)
JThw8 said:
And I know this is a zombie resurrection thread but I wonder what the OPs kid thought of the Razer headset. I had one and found it terribly uncomfortable but it could just be my fat head :)
I just read this and went downstairs and tried it on. I know it fits him comfortably, because if it didn't, I'd have heard about it.
But it fits me quite well also. Dunno if all Razers fit the same. This one is the "Kraken" model. Earcups are comfy. Band keeps them in place, but not over tight. Dunno if either of us has a "fat" head, but my hat/helmet size is around Large/X-Large.
Satisfactory product. Reasonably good value.
2/18/20 12:07 p.m.
I have a giant head, razers never fit me.
I use speakers and a $10 wired mic clipped to my collar. Works great, cheap, and I don't have noise jammed directly down my ear canals.