Anybody out here take in a viewing? Saw it this afternoon and loved it..
I did, and I learned something. Brad Pitt isn't in the takin' prisoners business, he's in the killin' Nazis business, and cousin, business is a' boomin
I would have liked some gratuitous nudity in the sceen where they introduce the translator, IIRC.
What suprised me most was the time line was very linier, being a Q.T. movie.
I just got back from seeing it. It was, by far, my favorite QT movie EVAR...and that is saying something.
if only the war really had ended as it did in the film...
it was a shame to see Beau Brandenburg kick the bucket in the film though. (obscure reference, I know, but someone here will get it, I am sure)
That would be mr. Til Schweiger (sp?). According to Wiki, QT wanted Leonardo DiCaprio to play Hans Landa before deciding to go with a German Actor. Also, Eli Roth directed Nation's Pride. Enzo Casterelli, the director of the Italian Bastards has a cameo as a Nazi general..
I liked it a lot, parts were excellent. But somehow it didn't come together as well as I thought it would. Something was missing, I can't identify what.
As good as Pitt was, particularly his attempts to speak Italian, Hans Lander stole the movie in my opinion. He was fantastic.
Mike Myers was really good. He had heavy makeup on and his part was maybe 10 minutes long but he was great..
In reply to dxman92:
Sorry, Mike Myers sucked, he was just Mike Myers which is normaly no bad thing, I find 'the Love Guru' hilarious, but in this he was just flat.
I have to agree with Tom, Chris Waltz as Hans Lander kicked ass, he deserves an Oscar for that role, well he would if an oscar was worth anything. Great performance.
Loved it. I felt very bad for feeling so satisfied in the climactic scene watching Nazis get mowed down and burned alive. Especially the gratuitous where he shot Hitler over and over and over...
I love how QT likes to have complete characters, but I still don't think Shoshanna should have died.
Wish the real history went like that.
Adrian_Thompson wrote: I find 'the Love Guru' hilarious
Yikes. Really? The girlfriend and I didn't make it past 15 minutes I think.
Can't wait to go see this flick and a few others. Too bad there is so much stuff going on the next few weeks.
z31maniac wrote:Adrian_Thompson wrote: I find 'the Love Guru' hilariousYikes. Really? The girlfriend and I didn't make it past 15 minutes I think. Can't wait to go see this flick and a few others. Too bad there is so much stuff going on the next few weeks.
Yup, one of the very few movies I've actualy gone and bought. The whole family and friends love it. We may be the entire fan base!
Adrian_Thompson wrote:z31maniac wrote:Yup, one of the very few movies I've actualy gone and bought. The whole family and friends love it. We may be the entire fan base!Adrian_Thompson wrote: I find 'the Love Guru' hilariousYikes. Really? The girlfriend and I didn't make it past 15 minutes I think. Can't wait to go see this flick and a few others. Too bad there is so much stuff going on the next few weeks.
There's no understanding brit tastes.
Xceler8x wrote: There's no understanding brit tastes.![]()
Very true, but in this case, I'll agree with him. Love Guru was silly, but it made me laugh. I didn't love it, but it was better than I'd heard.
Not what I expected, very dialog-intense, but still very good. As someone who has seen every old WWII movie ever made and spent Saturday afternoons watching Rat Patrol, Black Sheep Squadron, Hogans Heros and McHales Navy, I recognized many of QT's influences! Great homage to classic WWI pics.
pinchvalve wrote: Not what I expected, very dialog-intense...
Haven't seen many Tarantino movies, have you?
OrangeRazor wrote:pinchvalve wrote: Not what I expected, very dialog-intense...Haven't seen many Tarantino movies, have you?![]()
Fer realz. I fast forwarded through a lot of Deathproof. I live with a woman. How much more of chicks talking do I have to endure!
Xceler8x wrote:OrangeRazor wrote:Fer realz. I fast forwarded through a lot of Deathproof. I live with a woman. How much more of chicks talking do I have to endure!pinchvalve wrote: Not what I expected, very dialog-intense...Haven't seen many Tarantino movies, have you?![]()
I slept through those parts.
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