this is the best place to put this on the forum:
my daughter is now obsessed with dinosaurs. while watching jurrasic park, I had a business plan pop into my head:
clone dinosaurs. raise until meat is aged properly, serve ina gourmet restaurant.
teriyaki t-rex
brontosaurous burgers
sautee of stegosauraus
veal of velociraptor
just figured y'all could be the only ones that I know that could appreciate this thougt.'s whats for dinner. I'd eat it. Bet it tastes like chicken.
That's what my wife said.
My response was that's only because the matrix doesn't know what else to do. 
That could work, but you need to more ways to enhance revenue. For example, raising the dinosaurs in a controlled hunting environment. Get people to pay to hunt the mature ones for the restaurant table or for their own banquets. If some of the hunters "lose" to the dinosaurs, then, as long as you have them pay in advance, you are being paid to feed your livestock! Win, win, win!
In reply to Basil Exposition:
And if it's on video, sell it!!
Genius man. If I'm going to have insanely unrealistic plans, I need to think bigger.
Maybe have velociraptor races with betting like the horse races? Bonus points if they eat the jockey.
10/12/15 6:22 p.m.
I want to see a T-rex rodeo. Who can hold on for 8 seconds? Who will be the rodeo clowns?
Of COURSE it tastes like chicken: it IS chicken, or, more exactly, a chicken is a dinosaur.
That said, have you run this idea past your daughter? I have a feeling that "obsessed with dinosaurs" and "happy that Daddy has a new business that kills & eats dinosaurs" are going to turn out to be two kinda different things.
10/12/15 6:29 p.m.
I enjoy the idea of a T-Rex burger, but there might be some problems. How much do you have to feed a growing T-Rex? At what age are they ready for the butcher shop? How much land does a stegosaurus need? How much crap will PETA give you? Who gets to clean up after the animals on the dinosaur farm?
In reply to Stealthtercel:
She's the one who told me to post it. She also wants a pet brontosoarus, and envies Wilma Flintstone. Because Wilma has a pet dinosaur.
Her only addition to the plan is that it needs a park full of herbivores that won't eat you are a dinosaur themed mini golf course.
She's a great kid.
ncjay wrote:
How much crap will PETA give you?
Not much if you are the one with the dinosaur. At least, you would think.
be sure to open a franchise in Russia.. there you can literally put on the menu that "in Russia, dinner eats you"
This goes way beyond the Paleo diet.
ncjay wrote:
How much crap will PETA give you?
Who cares, make the enclosures easy to get into from the outside. It's free food for the Dino's anyways, and a huge service to mankind. Its a win win win win, any more winning and you'll have Charlie Sheen. 
I KNEW you guys would get it. 
enclosures, blah, I only dine on free range dinosaur. Seriously, you'll have to know your market on this, they're want free range. Dino egg omelettes sound amazing...
You know, they would probably donate a two mile wide stretch of the Mexican border to me for free range dino....
Or France
Invite PETA members to inspect the raptor pen.
Appleseed wrote:
Invite PETA members to inspect the raptor pen.
Ideally during feeding time when the raptors will be fed live pigs, maybe they'll run in to stop those awful creatures 
Your business plan sounds great. The start up cost will be immense; hiring John Hammond and Dr. Alan Grant. But once you get it up and functional, think of the yield. One dinosaur could make 1500 lbs of meat. You could charge a premium for it, too. $25/lb? That could be like $35k gross per animal. You will have the uncomfortable cost of feeding. Herbivore dinos would need massive acreage for grazing and carnivore specimens would incur very large meat consumption. I would say that you could use the offal and waste from commercially slaughtered livestock, but it is mostly bone and skin; not a feasible diet for carnivores.
What if you started with smaller species; Dilothosaurus, Compsognathus. They're chicken sized and would likely not require quite the liability insurance premiums that a T-rex would. You could sell them like Cornish Game Hens.
In reply to curtis73:
But Dr Hammond wants a TRex....
The Russians would pay you to put it in their territory! I can see it now, shirtless Putin hunting dinos with a spear. Later on he'll be riding a triceratops bareback, still shirtless, with some cuties sitting behind him. 
10/15/15 6:46 p.m.
Thought of one other hurdle. Veterinarian bills. How would you cure a dino with diarrhea or conjunctivitis? Not like you could strap one to a table and shove a needle in its butt. I am in favor of having a dinos raised on our borders. If you can make the crossing, you deserve to be an American.