Found out a couple weeks ago that the only reason my wife and I still occasionally interact (our mutual, passionate love for "Mad Men") will not be back for a fifth season until at least Spring of 2012. We've rented all the blu-rays of the existing seasons, and are working our way through the episodes as well as the commentary. At best, though, there's only a few more weeks of content there.
Then it's gonna be a long wait until spring.
We don't need much. Really just one or two weeklies to follow. That's all we can committ to, and will most likely do it as chunks on demand or dvd.
I've been keeping pretty current with "Justified." and Dana shows some interest, but probably not enough to make a full series leap.
We've both been intrigued by "Breaking Bad" and might start from square one on either that or "Deadwood" at some point.
A couple excellent BBC shows "Wallender" with Kenneth Branagh and their Sherlock Holmes adaptation have been exceptional, but the runs are short. They're more like long movies spread out over a couple nights that like actual series.
And Louie continues and Wilfred begins this spring, which should be a good thing.
Ahhhhh, screw it. Just bring back 'Miami Vice" and be done with it.
So, any quality reccos for quality shows.
Breaking Bad rocks. There are some late night reruns through the week and a marathon should be coming up on network. Friend 'em on FB n they will keep you updated.
Treme on HBO. Watch season one on On-Demand first.
5/10/11 1:03 a.m.
The new season of Dr. Who just started up.
A serial killer that satisifes his urge to kill by killing...other serial killers. We watched the first couple of seasons on Netflix, and the third one on DVD. Your resarch will show that we're about three seaons behind, but we're cool with that, since our RL conversations with other people don't often focus upon stinking TV shows...
Dexter is a good one as mentioned.
Jericho is decent if you're into post-apocalyptic stuff, though it can be cheesy at times.
Though some may disagree, Lost is worth watching if you're into mid blowingly awesome sci-fi shows.
Battlestar Galactica is another good one, though it falls apart after season two.
Surely you've already watched Firefly?
If you liked Hot Fuzz or Shaun of the Dead, you'll love Spaced.
For comedies, Parks and Recreation, Community, Modern Family, Arrested Development, and the first four seasons of The Office are good stuff.
Most of this stuff is available on Netflix instant watch as well.
The Hard Times of RJ Berger? 
5/10/11 6:22 a.m.
Seems that most of what you have listed are dramas. If you are open to some comedies...
"Coupling": Brit humor. Sort of tv's "Friends" meets "Sex and the City"
"The Inbetweeners": Sophmoric Brit comedy about the highschool years.
A second vote for "Arrested Development".
HBO's "The Wire" is a cop drama set in Baltimore.
5/10/11 7:13 a.m.
JoeyM wrote:
Salanis wrote:
The new season of Dr. Who just started up.
Also, Peep Show. Excellent BBC comedy starring (and partly written by) Mitchell and Webb. Season 1 snippet (slightly NSFW)
In the last decade, the only show that I would stay up for was Lost.
I did the first season of Heros, but then it got to wierd. Based on how it's not on anymore, I'm not the only one who thought so.
Sadly, there just isn't anything that is interesting to me.
We tried a few episodes of the ABC show on Monday's, but it just didn't stick very well- the interactions between the characters were good, but the stories were too typical. The one DR show where he's so brilliant was good for about a month, until you figured out that each episode was the same as the last, just different diseases.
I just can't watch a CSI Rexburg Idaho.....
Spend too much time surfing. I think we need another main tuner, so I can watch BBC and HD Theater on another set....
Ironically, based on how you started this thread, JG- I'm reading more.
Have you seen The corner ?
My SO and I are intrigued by the following shows.
- How I met your mother. (Cobie Smulders is SOOO hot)
- Community
- 30 Rock
- lately we have been watching Mad Love and The Big Bang Theory.
Big Bang Theory, Bleep My Dad Says, and Modern Family are all great.
A few of my favorites from recent years:
Boardwalk Empire:
It's an HBO show, so there is gratuitous nudity and profanity everywhere. Other than that, there are still other reasons to watch.
Steve Buschemi has the role of his life as one of the main characters in the show, which is set in Prohibition Era Atlantic City. They do a really good job of capturing the feel of the era. There's only one season so far, but it's good all the way through.
Lots of people above recommended it, and I agree. It's awesome. The latest season is probably the weakest one IMHO, but it's still great. Seasons 3 and 4 are AMAZING. The guest stars they have in each season really do well in their roles.
Battlestar Galactica:
I'm a huge Sci Fi dork, and I passed on this when it came out, because I had fond memories of the original from when I was a kid. That was a stupid move.
Even if you don't like Sci Fi, you will like it. The character development is great, and watching them conduct business in a truly hopeless situation with no end in sight keeps you on the edge of your seat. I think the whole show from beginning to end was awesome. You will never see Edward James Olmos the same after you watch it either. His role was the one he was born to play. They are playing the series on BBC America soon. Probably the best television show I have ever seen. It's that good.
Another Sci Fi show that anyone would like. It's like a space Western of sorts, and it's really great. It's a shame that it only lasted for a single season and a feature-length film (called Serenity). I hope that this one comes back somehow.
Also, if you have Netflix and are a dork, ALL of the entire Star Trek show and movie lineup will be available in June for live streaming. I'm clearing my schedule to watch Deep Space 9 in order. 
New Reader
5/10/11 12:48 p.m.
Raising Hope
Walking Dead
Samurai Jack
Hmmm... yep, that's it. Laugh, Die, Come back as a Samurai.
The Chicago Code.
Was s00per good, 1st season is over at the moment.
I can't watch Burn Notice anymore. A few seasons ago they must have fired their fact-checker/QC guy, because they junk they let slip through is just too painful to watch.
5/10/11 3:10 p.m.
NCIS is about the only show I watch regularly ... and it 's actually reached the point where I don't see each and every one of the Tue night shows... check out the reruns on USA, if I've already seen them .... music and a book
I suppose you've already checked out MI5 when it was on PBS? When I lived in Memphis I found it late one sunday night and was amazed at how close the show came to "predicting" some of the events involved in the "War on Terror". And after watching how easily folks are "tracked" in the U.K., I think if I lived there I'd want to move.
Good character studies from the BBC are Touching Evil, and Prime Suspect, but then again, I'm usually behind the curve, and you may already have seen them.
5/10/11 5:02 p.m.
I'm so ashamed....
never seen any of those shows. Gave up my cable ten years ago.

5/10/11 5:10 p.m.
Enjoying both cars and wine, my girlfriend and I are also into "James May's Roadtrip". The voiceovers are annoying. It's also hilarious to see that James is now playing the role of uncultured ultra-petrolhead.