I encountered an interesting situation and wonder if anyone has ever dealt with this. Outside of my full-time job, I am also employed by an LLC as a handyman taking care of some rental properties as an independent contractor. This is a family business, I make a few hundred a year from it, no big deal. But the question came up about getting hurt on the job. I should have some kind of insurance to cover me, but contractor's insurance is 10x more than I make in a year. Is there insurance for jobs that are above voluntary but below part-time? I cant get a straight answer from the health insurance company or my insurance company, it seems to be a grey area.
Injuries to you? Unless the LLC has a workers' comp policy for contractors, which it might but probably doesn't, they'd normally go under your regular health insurance. If you have homeowner's insurance, it probably has a general liability for if you cause property damage, but check it carefully.
Limp back to work on Monday then "get hurt at work"? JK
Guys at the garbage company my sister was at in the late 70's was part of an aggressive softball league so the owner showed up to watch the games guys cause too many guys were jamming fingers "at work".
To get it by being honest? You can't come close to affording it. To cheat the system, you'll have to ask the folks sponging off of others.
My part of my gov assisted health care, cost me more than a lot of folks, that I KNOW make more than me.
But I answer questions honestly, so I can't be surprised.