12/15/14 9:18 p.m.
4+ year customer with the good neighbor folks, got a letter in the mail today saying they will not renew my policy once it expires at the end of January. The reasons for nonrenewal are an Accident my stepson had in his own car (which is not on my policy) 6 emergency road service claims over the course of 18 months (breakdowns, none for accidents) and a suspension of my wife's drivers license (she is listed as a driver of one of my 3 vehicles) The nonrenewal was for the two vehicles that are scheduled to renew in January, my old chevy truck and a 1996 Bonneville, the 3rd vehicle just renewed earlier this month (or at least I think it did) but I'm expecting to see a notice for that one too. And to add insult to injury, the notice of automated payment for all three cars came in a separate letter, so they make sure they will get payment for the policies they are not renewing. At least I get 6 weeks to find a new insurance carrier. I'm calling my agent in the morning to see what my options are to stay, otherwise i'm back on the insurance market. Any thoughts/suggestions from the hive? The two policies being "nonrenewed" are both basic liability/comprehensive with a $500 deductible. The third policy is full coverage on the "good car" (2011 Kia Sorrento).

12/15/14 9:24 p.m.
Actuarial tables. According to the data, the chances are that you are going to cost them more money than they will take in from you. Chances of the agent being able to help you are slim to none.
Get your stepson to move out; don't insure your wife (have her turn over her license), otherwise check out other insurers. Start with Allstate, Farmers, and Progressive; after that, go to an independent insurance agent that has numerous companies. Good chance that at least one of those won't insure you, and a good chance that your rates will go up when you do make a decision, but it shouldn't be too crazy.
I'm pretty sure that even the most understanding insurance companies get nervous when a member of a subscriber's household has their license suspended.
There are several websites that will allow you to compare many companies rates at once, I would try one of those to find a new insurer, you may be surprised.
FWIW, I was using a "brand name" insurance co for years, my wife and I both have excellent driving records, but they kept raising our rates every year. We got a great policy using one of those comparison sites for much less than our old policy from a company that was barely known at the time, but has since become a fairly big player.
12/15/14 9:43 p.m.
Yeah, I figure i'm done with the like a good neighbor folks. Wife probably got a ticket she didn't pay or something, i'll never get a straight answer out of her on that ("my license isn't suspended" she said when I told her about it). Chances of the stepson moving out are slim and none right now so I guess i'm stuck insurance shopping. Was about to make a joke about a vehicle mysteriously erupting in a ball of flame, but I actually like my vehicles and don't want anything to happen to them.
I've had great luck with Progressive on all of my policies for the last 6 years.
12/15/14 10:14 p.m.
Last breakdown was in July all but one tow was a rash of electrical failures with the Bonneville (starter, fuel pump, alternator, CKP, alternator again) stepson's accident was in September, he was insured on my wife's policy but they specifically mention the accident and his driving record. So with all my policies (have a couple of life policies with them as well) i'm averaging around 2K a year in premiums, i'm cut loose for maybe 300 bucks in towing total (all in town) over 18 months. Damn. And i was due for a rate cut because after a length of time with no accidents they switch you to their mutual carrier and the rates are lower. Oh well, maybe i'll see flo when I walk into progressive (not..)
My mom still gets a letter every year from her good neighbor agent saying that I specifically am not covered to drive her car. I haven't lived at home in 13 or 14 years 
I have been with AMICA for over seven years with only one knock out, through down fight over something stupid. Overall they are a great company and easy to deal with, much better than the caveman. On the kid, he need's a new address even if he dose not leave, this will help with keeping cost down. Trust me.
I get also get a letter from my company stating my brother is not allowed to drive my truck, by name. LOL
Nick_Comstock wrote:
My mom still gets a letter every year from her good neighbor agent saying that I specifically am not covered to drive her car. I haven't lived at home in 13 or 14 years
I was dropped by the "good neighbors" 4 or 5 years ago. Living with my parents, but on my own plan, I was dropped for claim activity that was between the 3 of us. My only suggestion is if your step son is on his own policy, try to use different companies, that way they are less able to hit you for anything he might do.
And +1,000,000 on not using insurance covered roadside services. It will get you.
After getting dropped, I first went to progressive, on a joint policy with my now wife. It was ok aside from a horrid agent, then it started going up. We went over to Allstate and saved almost $100 a month for both our cars.
Sometimes I wonder what the criteria for USAA is. Last thing I heard was officers only, no enlisted persons. My father is a 20+ year disabled vet(enlisted) and my wife's late brother(enlisted) was KIA in Iraq in '07.
stop at every agency in town and see who gives you the best deal... then stop at the State Farm agent and cancel all of your policies with them before they drop you... might not accomplish anything, but at least you can tell yourself that you dropped them and not the other way around.
call safeco. 1-877-794-4952
12/16/14 7:02 a.m.
06HHR wrote:
Yeah, I figure i'm done with the like a good neighbor folks. Wife probably got a ticket she didn't pay or something, i'll never get a straight answer out of her on that ("my license isn't suspended" she said when I told her about it). Chances of the stepson moving out are slim and none right now so I guess i'm stuck insurance shopping. Was about to make a joke about a vehicle mysteriously erupting in a ball of flame, but I actually like my vehicles and don't want anything to happen to them.
either your wife's license is suspended or it isn't … find out … it would suck if she got pulled over and then arrested for driving on a suspended license
as for the roadside assistance … get AAA … you ins. has no reason to know about the "reliability" of your cars ..
+a dozen for going to a broker … they will be able to find you coverage
12/16/14 7:06 a.m.
neon4891 wrote:
After getting dropped, I first went to progressive, on a joint policy with my now wife. It was ok aside from a horrid agent, then it started going up. We went over to Allstate and saved almost $100 a month for both our cars.
Sometimes I wonder what the criteria for USAA is. Last thing I heard was officers only, no enlisted persons. My father is a 20+ year disabled vet(enlisted) and my wife's late brother(enlisted) was KIA in Iraq in '07.
USAA is taking pretty much anyone these days … you just have to find a work around … or so I've been told, by folk that are insured by them, that not only weren't officers, they weren't even in the service, nor were any of they'er family
We have USAA via my wife's father. He was an officer though. My dad was in the navy way back in the forties and I had never even heard of USAA before.
I need to shop again. Had the same company for 3 years now, which means i'm getting screwed.
SWMBO turns 25 next month, so rates should drop again i think. Might hit a double whammy.
If you can get usaa do it. I am with them thanks to my dads service and I will never leave. Rates aren't the cheapest and they don't cover motorcycles for anyone (the use progressive as a sub), but if you have a claim they are there on the spot, and they divident out profits at the end of the year.
And yeah. Never use insurance for roadside assistance.
12/16/14 7:44 a.m.
Swank Force One wrote:
I need to shop again. Had the same company for 3 years now, which means i'm getting screwed.
Why? I've had the same insurance company for 20+ years and my rates have only gone up a little, about in pace with inflation.
Duke wrote:
Swank Force One wrote:
I need to shop again. Had the same company for 3 years now, which means i'm getting screwed.
Why? I've had the same insurance company for 20+ years and my rates have only gone up a little, about in pace with inflation.
Shop around and see what you find. Might be different for everyone else, or maybe it's an age thing?
I typically shop every year, and every year i find cheaper insurance. My rates have also magically gone up about $40/month in the last 3 years.
I'm actually covering a fewer numbers of vehicles, worth less money now, than when i started.
As far as usaa I've been using them ever since I came back from Iraq in 06 and they have been nothing less then amazing (I was only an E4 as well, as long as someone in your immediate family had an honorable discharge you are good I believe) a little more then most others but easily one of the best companies insurance or banking wise I've ever dealt with.
12/16/14 8:40 a.m.
Well called my agent to let him know what's going on and find out when they are going to drop the 3rd vehicle on my policy (the only one with full coverage and that actually has a rider btw). This was news to him so he's gotta get his ducks in a row and call me back. At least I have until the end of January so that helps a little, but it would be great to find a new carrier before the end of this month so I can cancel the automatic payment before the next due date. (I will probably do this anyway and just pay manually so no hassle when the policy ends.)
12/16/14 9:12 a.m.
USAA is for any service member and his or her family. It doesn't matter if you're officer or enlisted. They also cover the families of service members. So, if your grandpa was in WW2 and was a USAA customer, his kids and kids kids could be customers, as long as the chain wasn't broken.
They've been an excellent company for me to deal with, and I recommend them for banking, insurance, etc.
USAA's rates in CT are spectacularly high. This is for two adults, no claims in 10+ years. We switched to Amica a few years back and saved almost 25% for equivalent coverage.
dj06482 wrote:
USAA's rates in CT are spectacularly high. This is for two adults, no claims in 10+ years. We switched to Amica a few years back and saved almost 25% for equivalent coverage.
I had USAA for insurance when I first enlisted. As has been said, their customer service is top-notch. But as a 20 year old E-3 with a beater '84 Supra, the rates were ridiculously high. I also switched to Amica and my rates went down about the same as you. I have been with them for about 12 years now. No complaints