12/16/14 9:55 a.m.
Donebrokeit wrote:
I get also get a letter from my company stating my brother is not allowed to drive my truck, by name. LOL
Nick_Comstock wrote:
My mom still gets a letter every year from her good neighbor agent saying that I specifically am not covered to drive her car. I haven't lived at home in 13 or 14 years
Yea, I got that same thing from Erie about my sister(she nearly totalled 4 cars in 4 years)
Also, I have absolutely nothing good to say about SF. Erie on the other hand has been great.
I've used USAA for 15 years now and will probably never switch. When I moved from whatever I had before (honestly don't remember) my rates dropped by 30% and I've never had a problem or felt they were high.
When I had my rental car accident this summer I should have had a $500 deductible hit, and it seems to have disappeared as well. I'm happy 
My wife used to work in USAA’s fraud investigation unit so we’ve got their insurance, home loan, checking account, and investment account.
We’re totally satisfied but it looks like they’re starting to jump the shark with their commercials showing the wide range of people that are eligible.
Letting riffraff in is great when you’re the riffraff but it looks like the gene pool is about to really get pee’d in.
I'll add to the USAA love-fest. As an active-duty military family, we've been with USAA for everything: VA Home Loan, Auto Insurance, Life Insurance, and all banking (used to have a few auto & personal loans too, but they've all been paid off). We only ever have local bank accounts so we can have somewhere to take care of cash deposits (then we transfer over to USAA). We have never found better rates and, as has been mentioned, their customer service is amazing.
I've generally had pretty good luck with USAA which I'm on thanks to my Dad. In doing some price comparing around though, there ARE cheaper options for what coverage I have, but I'm hesitant to switch given I've always had good experiences with them.
amica is a selective insurer, they regularly turn down applicants. if you can get approved by them, they tend to have high satisfaction rates.
but the best advise i saw here in coming from claims is getting the AAA and stop claiming roadside or tow coverages on your insurance.
Your wife's license suspension puts her in the assigned risk category. State Farm does not handle these. Ask me how I know. I switched to Progressive and have had no issue with Flo.
I had a similar issue with State Farm. I forget why my license was suspended (it was for something silly like not paying a fee or a fine) and State Farm Booted me as fast as they could
12/17/14 12:39 a.m.
In reply to vwcorvette:
Did you have a high or low flo that month?
12/18/14 3:33 p.m.
Finally talked to someone at my agent's office. Complete waste of time as they told me what I already knew. Referred me to another insurance guy my agent is friends with, thanks but no thanks. Been checking online and GEICO is looking the best as far as rates go. My plan is to switch two vehicles to a new insurance carrier now (by next week) and wait until next month to switch the third one in case it doesn't sell by the time it's policy has expired. I still have some life insurance polices with my present insurer so it should just be a matter of getting my payment amount adjusted once the cars are insured somewhere else. And a AAA membership is my christmas present to me, thanks for all the help!
12/18/14 3:36 p.m.
In reply to 06HHR:
Prepare yourself for all the SF "We want you back" Spam in your mail box.....
12/18/14 3:55 p.m.
It will go in the recycle bin next to all the DirecTV "come back and we'll give you $200" spam and the junk mail coupon flyers I never use..
Be careful with Progressive and Geico if you actually have to file a claim, lots of horror stories abound in dealing with them, especially medical claims. You definitely get what you pay for.
Get your wife's record cleaned up and in a few years shop for a better insurance company.