yes he said it well ...
while I'm pretty sure (in my own mind) that we are exacerbating the situation .... I firmly believe it's going to happen regardless of what we do ... all I think is that MAYBE we can slow the change down ... (the part we're adding to the "problem")
flyinlow summed it up well.
The thing is, a measured response does not generate $$$$$. Just ask Al Gore how much he made off carbon tax credits after all his caterwauling about global warming. 
In reply to Flynlow:
I agree with you at least 95%.
It is reasonable to say, "our best working theory is that (this) is happening, and (that) is the cause. If so, here are some simple steps to mitigate the issue." This does lead to things like driving less in cars that pollute less and using renewable, lower-impact energy sources.
Sounds like, you are suggesting that too though, and we are in total agreement. I think we need to be moving in the cleaner direction, but do not need to go into freak out emergency panic mode.
Beer Baron wrote:
This does lead to things like driving less in cars that pollute less and using renewable, lower-impact energy sources.
'course here in NC they are trying to bring in a yearly tax on owners of hybrid/EV cars ... since they don't pay enough road tax (collected at the pump)