Probably due to the weather, but we've had some massive numbers of Canada geese today. This morning, it was horizon to horizon, in all directions for a while, as flock after flock flew through. A second group of flocks came through just a few minutes ago. Not as massive, but still huge.
I look forward to mine coming every spring but I seem to be the only one.
When geese (and ducks) fly in a V, one side is always longer than the other. Know why?
It's got more geese in it. 
shoot every damn goose you see on sight... take them out with extreme prejudice... they are flying rats that do nothing but eat crops and leave big steaming turds behind to fertilize the crops they will eat the next year.
And forget about trying to get that golf ball back...
10/7/13 10:24 p.m.
Thread needs more birdshot.
As a pilot, those bastards give me the willies.
In reply to RealMiniDriver:
Geese fly in a V so that the birds have an easier time flying.
Even mother nature is lazy.
Well the lazy buggers to the back. The front guy gets screwed.
The parking lot at my office is just ruined by the freakishly huge Canada geese who hang out there in the early fall. They crap practically human-sized piles ~everywhere~ on the lot. Hundreds of 'em. I'm happy when they depart to befoul the south.
Y'all keep your goddamn flying rats...
10/10/13 4:10 p.m.
We lived on a lake as kids. My dad would let friends fish and hunt, and we often found a string of trout or something on the back deck as thanks. One time, we were presented with two Canada geese - which my mom plucked and roasted. As in the link above, it proved to be surprisingly dark yet very good.
10/10/13 8:52 p.m.
One time as a teenager, against my father's suggestion, a few us decided to hunt some Canadian geese. After what we thought was a successful day, imagine our disappoint when no one would clean, dress & cook them for us. Turns out they were right, things are dark oily disgusting meat.
Dark yes, and delicious! Goose is one of my favorite meats.