For some stupid reason IE will not show that page when you open a new tab, that displays your frequently visited sites. It also will not react when I hit the backspace button to go back a page. Anyone have any ideas? Just started this crap today.
For some stupid reason IE will not show that page when you open a new tab, that displays your frequently visited sites. It also will not react when I hit the backspace button to go back a page. Anyone have any ideas? Just started this crap today.
BoxheadTim wrote: Use a decent browser instead?
This, unless you're on a work computer that won't let you. Like me.
carguy123 wrote: I figure the best question about IE is WHY are you still using it!?!
IE is slow and glitchy as hell.
Those don't sound like config issues.
I'm assuming you've killed and restarted the browser, and that having failed, restarted the whole PC?
If that hasn't worked, you're looking at some sort of repair or reinstallation.
I'm assuming that you don't really have a choice about installing another browser, or otherwise also need IE to work for some stuff. IE9 isn't as bad as previous IEs, but it's still my browser of last resort...
Let's try to be accurate here, folks. "IE" stands for "Internet Exploder" not "Internet Explorer."
Forgot to mention that I have to use IE at work. Stupid Ford websites aren't configured to work on anything decent.
Yes, I've restarted browser and whole PC. Still no worky. Tried to do an update, but everything's up to date. Aaarg!
I don't know that firefox is any better. I see stuff Unresponsive Script errors fairly often. (Unlike the pic, mine are usually caused by gmail.)
Not surprisingly, chrome doesn't hang when dealing with gmail.
Just like "20 valve" is the answer to all MR2 questions, "Firefox" is the answer to all IE questions.
JoeyM wrote: I don't know that firefox is any better. I see stuff Unresponsive Script errors fairly often. (Unlike the pic, mine are usually caused by gmail.)Not surprisingly, chrome doesn't hang when dealing with gmail.
IE didn't give them at all until recently, I used to prank people by forwarding them to a page with an infinite loop in JS, the only way out was to kill the IE process.
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