Why are the GRM family members delivering pizza's?
Why do I keep my full-time job?
What am I doing selling hoses for a living?
Am I an idiot?
$1300 week/15 hours = $86.67 per hour.
$86.67 * 48 hours = $4,160 per week or $216,320 per year.
Anybody care to send their $1.95 and let me know?
4/29/09 5:31 p.m.
Is it set up so that it shows the town your in as the town that Sarah is in? Or is that just a coincidence?
mtn wrote:
Is it set up so that it shows the town your in as the town that Sarah is in? Or is that just a coincidence?
Sara is in the town right next to me. Awesome.
I cannot figure what you are actually doing? Getting others to sign up for the $78.00 monthly fee?
The best way to make quick money is to write a book on how to make quick money....
It's showing the town you're in (or close to). Kinda creeps me out that it knows that.
The best way to make quick money is to write a book on how to make quick money....
Or make an infomercial on how to make money.
I love the fine print at the bottom (which you KNOW nobody reads):
Some individuals purchasing the program may make little or NO MONEY AT ALL.