I own a car related website (Deals with old water cooled front engined P cars). Before this little problem we are dealing with came along I was seeing 10,000 hits every 4 - 8 weeks depending on the season. Now I am seeing that every 10 days or less.
The reason I know this is my sessions file records every session when some one hits my site and the log has been getting HUGE very quickly. Anyone else getting this kind of uptick? My site is add free (and will stay that way) but it has me thinking that advertising costs on the web may be going up as the exposure is way up.
In reply to dean1484 :
No input with regard to web traffic, but I've been seeing an increase in DNS failures, which peaked shortly after most people began teleworking & has tapered off since then. While I have no data on it, just by the timing of it all I suspect the two are related.
We've seen more traffic, too, but remember supply and demand. More advertising inventory coupled with lower demand due to companies closing means this is a very affordable time to advertise.
It involves Germany and P.... I have heard of such sites...

I work for an arm of the local phone company and our network usage is double-digit percentages over peak with upstream traffic way over peak. We've added significant bandwidth to the content providers for the cable TV part of our business. The good news, at least for us, is that other than some localized outages and problems caused by tornados, we're not having any service delivery issues or congestion.
As an owner of an old water cooled front engined P car, I would also like to know what site this is.
My online distributor went from a best day ever of $40,000 to $70,000 two weeks ago.
I read an article that said internet traffic was up 75%