Yea I get 3 weeks plus 4 "floaters" and 8 holidays and near unlimited sick time. Plus a cool boss who is ok with "putting in the time to roll out early on Friday".
Anyway, the initial phone interview went ok, but I really quick determined that they are looking for a button clicker cubicle dweller, and I know as much if not more about how they operate than they do, so I think it's a bit of a mismatch. I told them my weakness, but my experiences easily match that of their senior folks, and I don't think they need senior folks.
Also one of the people interviewing me is a contractor, which seems strange for my industry. Typically contractors are used for button clicking, monotonous repetitive work, not for department or operational group leadership.
They also didn't seem ready to wait as long as I need to move my family across the country.
I think it was good from "leave a good impression but appear as investment, not a value" perspective. I highly doubt I'll be asked for a second interview.