I've seen this stuff advertised for years in all kinds of car mags, and never tried it. But alas, my beater miata's windshield was disgusting inside and out. I had tried windex, vinegar, and my personal go to favorite the LA's totally awesome cleaner they sell at dollar general, nothing could get the film off of the windshield. Buy a can, 3 applications later and it really is invisible, except for all the micro-chips in it. I've now cleaned every window in both my cars, the bedroom tv screen, and all the windows I can get to in my 2nd story apartment.
Awesome product! Highly recommend.
6/1/09 9:44 a.m.
ever tried soap and water?
6/1/09 9:47 a.m.
I like Bon Ami on car glass.
I used to work for a limo company in Detroit. We used this stuff on all of our vehicles. It does work. I may only use it in my personal car every couple months or so, but yeah, two or three applications and it cuts right through the smoke residue on my windshield.
It works for me too. I had a haze on the inside of my Miata that came from it sitting on the docks. Or at least that's what I'm presuming because baked into the windshield was a clean square of glass that corresponded to the sticker that's on the inside of the window in transit.
For 2 years I tried everything on it and with only one use of invisible glass it disappeared.
Soap and water is going to leave a film on car glass that you won't notice till there's oncoming night traffic. Then the windshield goes all glarey and life is trickier than it needs to be at highway speed.
Invisible Glass is indeed awesome. Using it on the backside of the windshield helps prevent fogging just because there's no goo for water vapor to stick to.
+1, it's really good stuff. I only wash the inside of my windows a couple times a year because it's such a pain to do the windsheild, and with regular Windex I always had to do it 2-3 times to get rid of all the streaks. Invisible Glass does it in one application.
From the smell you'd think Invisible Glass was just basically rubbing alcohol.
6/1/09 11:30 a.m.
FindlaySpeedMan wrote:
Soap and water is going to leave a film on car glass that you won't notice till there's oncoming night traffic. Then the windshield goes all glarey and life is trickier than it needs to be at highway speed.
Invisible Glass is indeed awesome. Using it on the backside of the windshield helps prevent fogging just because there's no goo for water vapor to stick to.
Never used anything other then GENTLE soap and water and rinse it off and wipe it down good. Never had the glarey windshield problem. Cant use windex on my miata cause ive got a front tint and the residue from THAT makes it fog up easy. My miata came from miami beach sitting outside all day with no top and then i had it for another year before i cleaned it and put tints. Just Soap and water. Or invisible glass w/e.
Toyota makes a bad ass glass cleaner too. Learned that at the 24 hours of Daytona, it pays to notice what products those people are using.
If you are talking about Stoners Invisible Glass then another +1. I usually have a can around. I will say that it is not the best cleanser if you just want to wipe once or twice. But with a little scrubbing it gets every thing off and leaves no residue.
Isopropyl alcohol and distilled water is what most of that glass cleaner is. I put an old bottle of rubbing alcohol diluted with distilled water in my pickups washer fluid and that stuff worked.
i think this one is a big help dude
houston auto glass
I borrowed my wife's car yesterday. Do they sell it in Gallon sizes??
bigbrainonbrad wrote:
...except for all the micro-chips in it.
Your windshield is computerized? Awesome!
6/22/09 5:10 p.m.
Stoner's plant is just south of me. It's in the middle of cow country. They support most all the local car shows with free samples for the goody bags. I like their tire shine stuff too.
And no, I'm not a canoe salesman. 
Stoners is nice. So is the NXT glass cleaner.