iPhone 5
I'm like a moth to a flame. I'm not sleeping out or waiting in line or anything, but I'll order one.
Then a collection of new power cords.
And a new stereo to hook it to at home.
And a new charging base.
And a new car connector.
And new travel power cords.
And a new boom box.
Maybe I should find a cheaper pastime, like smoking crack or restoring WWII bombers!
Why don't you just buy the $29 adaptor plug?
My 4 is working for me just fine, except there is something wrong with the ear speaker. I might have to replace it with an S.
My android seems to hook up to anything. 
Sometimes people just gotta have stuff. I completely understand that.
For me, its not anything from apple, so I will kick back and have a chuckle at the folks worked up into a frenzy to be among the first to pay exorbitant amounts of cash to have the new hot tech item, and all its newly re-designed proprietary accessories, while i wait for my phone contract to be up so I can pick up whatever newer android smartphone is nearly free around the holidays.
I am still rocking the iPhone 3G.
Basil Exposition wrote:
Why don't you just buy the $29 adaptor plug?
Then he wouldn't have been able to make his post attempting to make fun of it?
The wife and I will get them. Our contract with Sprint is up in a few weeks and their coverage is terrible, so we are going back to AT&T, thankfully my current employer gets me a 22% discount with them.
9/13/12 8:28 a.m.
I use my cell phone as a bottle opener. Does the iPhone have an app for that?
Why the hell can't Apple use the same cell phone USB plug that EVERY OTHER BERKLEYING CELL PHONE MANUFACTURER USES? Really, it works just fine for everyone else, and it would work for an iPhone, too.
Sky_Render wrote:
Why the hell can't Apple use the same cell phone USB plug that EVERY OTHER BERKLEYING CELL PHONE MANUFACTURER USES? Really, it works just fine for everyone else, and it would work for an iPhone, too.
Cause then they couldn't force you to buy there plugs and then buy ones when they come up with a "better" design.
And that's one of the many reasons I hate Apple.
Sky_Render wrote:
And that's one of the many reasons I hate Apple.
I do to but all the Androids I have tried suck so I got an iPhone.
9/13/12 8:54 a.m.
93EXCivic wrote:
Sky_Render wrote:
Why the hell can't Apple use the same cell phone USB plug that EVERY OTHER BERKLEYING CELL PHONE MANUFACTURER USES? Really, it works just fine for everyone else, and it would work for an iPhone, too.
Cause then they couldn't force you to buy there plugs and then buy ones when they come up with a "better" design.
I don't get the "force" thing. The only reason I have ever had to buy any connection-type accessories for my iphone was because the cat chewed through one. Other than that, I have only needed what came in the box.
But on the general topic of Apple, mindless haters gonna hate, and mindless lovers gonna love.
93EXCivic wrote:
Sky_Render wrote:
Why the hell can't Apple use the same cell phone USB plug that EVERY OTHER BERKLEYING CELL PHONE MANUFACTURER USES? Really, it works just fine for everyone else, and it would work for an iPhone, too.
Cause then they couldn't force you to buy there plugs and then buy ones when they come up with a "better" design.
I agree that it sucks, but their dock connector works better than any usb plug so far. There's not a single usb plug that lets you just drop your phone into a dock. I wish they had both on the iPhone 'cause then you could use the standard usb when you're out and about but the dock at home and in the garage. That would be awesome. But Apple is definitely not about giving multiple choices, which has its positives and negatives. (shop for a laptop from Apple, then shop for one from Dell, and tell me the experiences are at all similarly enjoyable. I will know you're making stuff up! And I have a Dell laptop but know their selection process blows goats.)
I'll be buying an IPhone 5 as well... though not in line camped out. I'm not an Apple fanboi, and currently own no Apple products, though I did buy my wife an iPod like 5 years ago.
I'm still using a crappy Blackberry. I have had a couple Droids that were glitchy and broke. I don't need the massive memory options so the "base model" has all the features I'd actually want and use, and if the platform is stable, I'm happy.
Unfortunately i'll need two of them as my wife wants one as well... and the screen is cracked on her Droid. So looks like I'll be ponying up for 2.
93EXCivic wrote:
Sky_Render wrote:
And that's one of the many reasons I hate Apple.
I do to but all the Androids I have tried suck so I got an iPhone.
And therein lies the problem. I had an iPhone 3GS a few years ago. I absolutely hated it. I've had 2 Droids since then and have had nothing but problems with them. As much as I hated that iPhone, at least it worked most of the time.
In before the Apple vs. Android war results in a lock! 
9/13/12 9:12 a.m.
I'll probably get whatever droid is free at x-mas again. Although I should look at combining my plan and my girlfriends plans...she does like her iphone....hmmm
I still have a 3gs and I am fine with that, no need to upgrade.
I have a this:

...and it works just fine.
Not exactly a luddite...
All I know is that I can upgrade to a 4S for cheap now from my old 2g which I got for free. I really prefer the windows phones, but no one has the N900 for sale yet in my network.
I think this may finally push me to the "owning a smartphone" crowd.
My GPS is 5 years out of date.
My phone's battery is starting to go.
People don't seem to understand that texting costs me extra money.
Funny... I read the title of this topic and all I could think of was, "... and the screen shattered into a thousand pieces."
9/13/12 9:39 a.m.
Sky_Render wrote:
And therein lies the problem. I had an iPhone 3GS a few years ago. I absolutely hated it.
Out of curiosity, why did you absolutely hate it?
I've had my iP 3GS for almost 3 years, and never had the slightest trouble either physically/operationally, or with using it. There are 4 in the family and in those 3 years, only 1 has given any physical trouble, and it was promptly replaced by Apple at no charge.
All have been dropped, tossed, knocked off of desks, etc. with no damage. One was stepped on and the screen cracked. I fixed it myself with an Amazon replacement touchscreen for $15 and 15 minutes' work, and it has been functioning perfectly for the year since.
I'm interested in why you weren't satisfied.
scardeal wrote:
People don't seem to understand that texting costs me extra money.
Tell me about it. Or that I have to T9 all my texts, or jab repeatedly at single keys for words like "Miata" or "Volvo" that aren't in the T9's woefully inadequate dictionary.
I H8 txtng.