Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
Take the big screen and keyboard off my laptop, shrink it to fit in the palm of my hand, give it micro HDMI and USB3 ports and let me pick the peripherals to fit the use/need. All these smart phones are is a way to package a general purpose computer so you can't use it for general purpose computing.
That is what I really want. berkeley the app store.
Sorry - I probably should have put this in the rant thread.
Well, the iPad can connect to an external monitor/tv/projector via dock connector and to a bluetooth KB/mouse. Google docs and web browsing are right there, app store allows for full use of the hardware and to expand the experience of the device. If you want further than that, jailbreak the device and go further.
So far the Android devices have been hampered by carrier limitations (because Google wouldn't force them to use the OS as designed, like Apple did) so the carriers and device manufacturers can have you by the short hairs for updates and features. Without rooting the device.
9/13/12 12:26 p.m.
Love it or hate it. I bought Apple stock at $11, now it's $660.
9/13/12 12:28 p.m.
I'll be upgrading. I generally despise all things Apple but the phone just works.
Happily my company is using the new release as an excuse to dump our current variety of corporate smartphones and go all Apple, something I never thought I'd see but greatly anticipate. My current work issued phone is in my briefcase with a battery that has been dead for at least 3 months, I hate it too much to use it.
9/13/12 12:43 p.m.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
I don't get the Apple > Everything else deal.
What is the big deal?
Conversely, I don't get the Everything Else > Apple deal, either.
Apple is not a big deal except among hype-sensitive idiots of both pro- and con- flavors. They make very nice products that they charge somewhat of a premium for - not NO premium, and not 300% markup, either.
Some people fall into the Apple-lover category of the hipster parody above. Some people would hate an Apple product even if it could double your work output and get you laid. Like I said, Apple products are an extremely effective tool for overstimulating hype-sensitive idiots, whether they love or hate the company.
9/13/12 12:48 p.m.
Strizzo wrote:
In reply to Duke:
i had a 3Gs, and while it "worked" it got progressively slower, and the battery life got to where if it got used too much, it wouldn't even last all day till i got home. one of the software updates came out and then it took a full two seconds for the camera to open, even when being accessed by another app, it was like it just all started slowing down in protest, the fiancee's 3G did the same thing, but it never really worked right, her first one was constantly searching for signal, dropped calls, etc. and was replaced under warranty. the replacement wasn't much better, froze randomly, wouldn't play nice with certain apps, just buggy alltogether, even after we updated the software.
Weird. That's almost entirely contrary to my experience. Battery life is not great, agreed, but I get 2 days out of a charge, with a lot of use.
Out of curiosity, and forgive me for asking a stupid question, but how often did you actually turn it all the way off and restart it? I've found that most computer products, from any manufacturer or OS, tend to work better if you do that on a regular basis.
^ At least once a day. My current EVO has to be restarted 4-5 times a day just to keep a 3G signal.
turboswede wrote:
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
Take the big screen and keyboard off my laptop, shrink it to fit in the palm of my hand, give it micro HDMI and USB3 ports and let me pick the peripherals to fit the use/need. All these smart phones are is a way to package a general purpose computer so you can't use it for general purpose computing.
That is what I really want. berkeley the app store.
Sorry - I probably should have put this in the rant thread.
Well, the iPad can connect to an external monitor/tv/projector via dock connector and to a bluetooth KB/mouse. Google docs and web browsing are right there, app store allows for full use of the hardware and to expand the experience of the device. If you want further than that, jailbreak the device and go further.
So far the Android devices have been hampered by carrier limitations (because Google wouldn't force them to use the OS as designed, like Apple did) so the carriers and device manufacturers can have you by the short hairs for updates and features. Without rooting the device.
Apple forces me to use their iOS and their app store. I want a compiler. I want a commandline. I want to install what | want to install. My laptop runs linux. It could run something else... I want that without having to hack.
GPS, you need an N900, the last open phone like that. It runs Linux, not too different from a desktop distro, and you can compile and run whatever you want.
Since the iPhone came out and made curated computing profitable, curation's been taking over mobile devices.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
turboswede wrote:
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
Take the big screen and keyboard off my laptop, shrink it to fit in the palm of my hand, give it micro HDMI and USB3 ports and let me pick the peripherals to fit the use/need. All these smart phones are is a way to package a general purpose computer so you can't use it for general purpose computing.
That is what I really want. berkeley the app store.
Sorry - I probably should have put this in the rant thread.
Well, the iPad can connect to an external monitor/tv/projector via dock connector and to a bluetooth KB/mouse. Google docs and web browsing are right there, app store allows for full use of the hardware and to expand the experience of the device. If you want further than that, jailbreak the device and go further.
So far the Android devices have been hampered by carrier limitations (because Google wouldn't force them to use the OS as designed, like Apple did) so the carriers and device manufacturers can have you by the short hairs for updates and features. Without rooting the device.
Apple forces me to use their iOS and their app store. I want a compiler. I want a commandline. I want to install what | want to install. My laptop runs linux. It could run something else... I want that without having to hack.
Most people do not want this. They want an intuitive system that works together all of the time. I have never had an iPhone, but I recognize that the quality of materials and finish is a lot better than most of its competition. It is a luxury product with the height of technology available to the general public, which I find quite amazing.
JThw8 wrote:
I'll be upgrading. I generally despise all things Apple but the phone just works.
Happily my company is using the new release as an excuse to dump our current variety of corporate smartphones and go all Apple, something I never thought I'd see but greatly anticipate. My current work issued phone is in my briefcase with a battery that has been dead for at least 3 months, I hate it too much to use it.
Funny, I've been working on a similar project here for the past 2 months. We're switching from Sprint to Verizon and looking to go iPhones across the board (200+ phones). I've actually had multiple meetings the past two days with the president and CEO as we finalize details and they make the final decisions or two. We actually delayed our decision a week or two waiting for the iP5 announcement.
Thank Jobs the iPhone doesn't have a crappy USB only connector like Android phones. When you plug one of those in it just becomes a thumb drive. When you plug an iPhone into something it actually interacts with the device in different ways depending on what it is. What people don't seem to get is that the connector is more than just USB or a way to charge the phone, it does a lot more than just that.
The only thing that pisses me off is that they are charging $100 more for 16gb of more space. C'mon apple, this isn't 2007 any more you can buy a 16gb thumb drive at wal-mart for 9.88 these days, memory is cheap.
Since I am still using a 3gs I will be buying the 5, this is going to be a nice upgrade!
Out of curiousity, because i never considered it...
What else should the phone do when it's plugged in? There's a few things my droid will do when plugged in to different things, but i can't really think of anything i'm missing out on. This might be it. 
SupraWes wrote:
Thank Jobs the iPhone doesn't have a crappy USB only connector like Android phones. When you plug one of those in it just becomes a thumb drive.
The magical Apple connector is really a composite of a few connectors that most other decent phones have standard representations of. USB, a couple power input options, direct firewire, composite/S video and audio.
Here are the pin outs:

When I plug my Droid into a 1080i TV I don't need it to figure out what to do - it is a real, industry standard micro HDMI that does video and sound. It has USB2 for fast data transfer and when you plug it in to the USB you tell it to be either charge only, a thumb drive, or a mountable share. If you want to do do something else, install or map a app or driver to the USB signiture (like an external GPS or joystick and it will do the same.
Your magic is not magic at all. It is marketing.
Hey guys, I just saw "iphone" in the subject line, and thought I'd drop in to tell you how f*cking cool I am, because I type all my stupid snarky comments from a computer, not a smartphone like you elitist shiny happy people. Even if I did have a smartphone, I'd buy some cheapass user-unfriendly piece of E36 M3, because that's how "grassroots" I am.
J/k. Posting from my iphone while dropping a steaming low tide nuclear mud missile.
When political threads are outlawed, same E36 M3 stains who argued about dumb E36 M3 before just argue about even dumber E36 M3; myself included.
Seriously? "My phone is better than your phone?" Get a berkeleying life.
poopshovel wrote:
Hey guys, I just saw "iphone" in the subject line, and thought I'd drop in to tell you how f*cking cool I am, because I type all my stupid snarky comments from a computer, not a smartphone like you elitist shiny happy people. Even if I did have a smartphone, I'd buy some cheapass user-unfriendly piece of E36 M3, because that's how "grassroots" I am.
J/k. Posting from my iphone while dropping a steaming low tide nuclear mud missile.
When political threads are outlawed, same E36 M3 stains who argued about dumb E36 M3 before just argue about even dumber E36 M3.
Pitbulls have no place in a civilized society.
~posted from my phone which is better than your phone on Verizon Wireless
@gps: Agreed.
-posted from my phone which is almost certainly inferior to your phone while masturbating thinking about the "raped by a dolphin" thread. I seriously got "bumped" by a dolphin while cast-netting mullet & shrimp today. I also cut the E36 M3 out of my fingers on my right hand on a barnacle laiden crab line, which is why I'm forced to give myself a stranger, and can therefore text with my right hand while...oh. E36 M3. Now I need both hands. And a dirty sock.
Datsun1500 wrote:
Mguar built his own phone, and it's worth more than yours.
Actually it's worth less than yours, but only because gwb set up the rules in your favor. It's all very complicated. I would explain it, but you wouldn't understand.
Tasteless, but damn funny:
poopshovel wrote:
@gps: Agreed.
-posted from my phone which is almost certainly inferior to your phone while masturbating thinking about the "raped by a dolphin" thread. I seriously got "bumped" by a dolphin while cast-netting mullet & shrimp today. I also cut the E36 M3 out of my fingers on my right hand on a barnacle laiden crab line, which is why I'm forced to give myself a stranger, and can therefore text with my right hand while...oh. E36 M3. Now I need both hands. And a dirty sock.
@shovel: Use waterproof lube
~ posted from my phone which is waterproof and a good thing too because I'm trapped in a rape cave being repeatedly savaged by a gang of dolphins with 8' long left-threaded dongs. I'm a squirter. Who knew?
Great. Now what am I supposed to do with this new erection?
And the 4S is now $99. I don't want to replace my car charger, or any of the docks yet.
You have to give Apple credit for that original plug design. They designed it for the original iPod and it lasted for what, a decade? That's pretty impressive considering what the original iPod turned into.
Based on my experience with Android and Apple devices, Apple does a much better job of a phone. Not a pocket computer necessarily. But a phone. I don't want my phone or my tablet to be as difficult to maintain as my old PC laptop. Janel has an Android phone for work and an iPhone for herself, and the former makes her swear a whole lot more.
poopshovel wrote:
Datsun1500 wrote:
Mguar built his own phone, and it's worth more than yours.
Actually it's worth less than yours, but only because gwb set up the rules in your favor. It's all very complicated. I would explain it, but you wouldn't understand.