So, how's everyone doing? As of lunchtime, a friend in Maryland was trimming trees in anticipation. A friend in Brooklyn figured they'd wing it. (That's the easier route, she figured.)
Down here in Florida, the sky is very dark and ominous. Plus the winds have kicked up. I might have to put on my severe-duty Vans and cargo shorts.
I'm just happy the resort in Jamaica we are going to in a few weeks is reporting no damage.
Hope those of you on the east coast end up with no damage as well.
I prepared by putting my doors back on my JK. Tampa might get some rain 
yeah supposedly us in Pa are gonna get hit hard.....I kind of doubt it though but we'll see. I've seen starting sunday late night and even lasting to wednesday.
Isn't there a storm of the century every year? I lose track.
We got snow in the mountains yesterday. But I'm not sure that's related to what you guys are doing in the hurricane states. This meant I couldn't drive the V8 Miata with race rubber to work today.
Mass. is supposed to be hit hard too. I will be driving into the thick of it Monday and Tuesday to get to work (no way I can work from home. The stock markets never sleep). I'm hoping we won't need to give my sump pump's battery backup a workout.
At least I don't live on the coast, they are going to get walloped.
I got my generator fired up yesterday. Damn, that 11 HP Tecumseh is loud! Drained all the old gas (about 2 gallons) and poured it into a nearly full tank in the Dooley, where it will enable me to drive nearly 20 miles! Woo Hoo!
I thought the whole thing was that they're expecting the hurricane to hit the Mid-Atlantic right as a front (which would normally cause a Nor'easter all by itself) moves through? Here's hoping the models are a little off.
10/26/12 7:01 p.m.
I hope the projections are wrong for the people in the line of fire. Then again, that would only encourage more complacency from those who should be more prepared anyway.
All we're expecting in North Georgia is dropping temps as the northern cold front is forced into the area. The low temp this morning was about 60; by Monday AM that will drop about thirty degrees. Time for the plants to come off the patio.
Johnny Utah: I've been to every city in Mexico. I came across an unclaimed piece of meat in Baja, turned out to be Rosie. I guessed he picked a knife fight with somebody better. Found one of your passports to Sumatra, I missed you by about a week at Fiji. But, I knew you wouldn't miss the fifty year storm, Bodhi.
Luck, dawgs. We're supposed to get our first freeze next week. Wouldn't mind a little "dusting."
TWC early this morning mentioned the storm could bring a foot of snow to the midwest.
10/26/12 8:23 p.m.
Not a generator to be found at any store within miles of here...SWMBO is in a panic.
However I do have 2 140amp cop car alternators, a lawnmower engine, 5 deep cycle batteries and a 4000 watt power inverter....methinks I can thrash something together if needed.
JThw8 wrote:
Not a generator to be found at any store within miles of here...SWMBO is in a panic.
However I do have 2 140amp cop car alternators, a lawnmower engine, 5 deep cycle batteries and a 4000 watt power inverter....methinks I can thrash something together if needed.
Won't you need power for the welder to build it?
Keith Tanner wrote:
Isn't there a storm of the century every year? I lose track.
We got snow in the mountains yesterday. But I'm not sure that's related to what you guys are doing in the hurricane states. This meant I couldn't drive the V8 Miata with race rubber to work today.
That's 1/3 of the Franken Storm...
That plus a hurricane plus a high off the coast, all meeting right off Delaware.
10/26/12 8:57 p.m.
MrJoshua wrote:
JThw8 wrote:
Not a generator to be found at any store within miles of here...SWMBO is in a panic.
However I do have 2 140amp cop car alternators, a lawnmower engine, 5 deep cycle batteries and a 4000 watt power inverter....methinks I can thrash something together if needed.
Won't you need power for the welder to build it?
Might bash together a frame for it tomorrow, but things could always be bolted together if needed. I did build things before I had a welder :)
Still windy in Florida, but we have had worse--like a direct hit from a hurricane.
10/26/12 9:19 p.m.
This all kind of makes me realize why I hate people (present company mostly excluded). For giggles I started looking at CL for generators. All the ones that are sold out in the stores are piled up in people's garages and they are selling them for 3x the retail price because of the storm. I really hope this thing misses us and they all get stuck with them.
In reply to JThw8:
Copy down all the information and buy yourself a cheap generator in a few weeks if the storm misses.
yeah, sort of windy, but nothing major
10/26/12 9:28 p.m.
The last time I got complacent about a hurricane, Irene bypassed NYC and snuck up to the Catskills to surprise me. I got stranded in a narrow area between Lexington and Haines Falls. Frankly, being epically hung over and trying to figure out which bridges aren't washed away in an area you don't know well is not fun. Survived, learned a couple of lessons, met some very nice people.
Still, I live in motherberkeleying NYC. Our bridges and tunnels get jammed when a few tourists stop by. What'll happen if everyone in Manhattan tries to evacuate? Ha. I'm going to fill a jug with water, charge some batteries, and buy food for once. I've got a bottle of good bourbon ready. Nothing more to be done.
MrJoshua wrote:
In reply to JThw8:
Copy down all the information and buy yourself a cheap generator in a few weeks if the storm misses.
Pretty much. It's called capitalism, and I berkeleying love it. You can be the guy who buys low and sells high, or the guy who mortgages his house to buy some dumb E36 M3 he doesn't need at the peak of demand. I know it sucks to be without electricity. I've been there. But people lived without it for thousands of years. Be thankful you're not in Florida in August with no AC and no way to keep food cool.
Buy up a bunch of cheap generators after the storm, and be "that guy" next time one rolls around....or c'mon down to GA, and I'll feed ya, getcha drunk, and send you home with a truckload of firewood!
In reply to JThw8:
They'll just return them. Home depot has a no questions asked policy on returns.
I'll take a tornado any day. It's like a precision strike by the military vs. carpet bombing.
Most people get away with zero damage in a tornado but in a Hurricane multiple states get creamed and millions of people have some sort of damage.
Plus a hurricane goes on forever (by comparison).
I've lived in Tornado alley since I was in 3rd grade and I've only seen one itty bitty one reasonably close with no damage to anything except scaring a few chicken and one up in the sky. I like my odds in tornado alley much less than I'd like living in Hurricane alley.
10/26/12 9:37 p.m.
poopshovel wrote:
MrJoshua wrote:
In reply to JThw8:
Copy down all the information and buy yourself a cheap generator in a few weeks if the storm misses.
Pretty much. It's called capitalism, and I berkeleying love it. You can be the guy who buys low and sells high, or the guy who mortgages his house to buy some dumb E36 M3 he doesn't need at the peak of demand. I know it sucks to be without electricity. I've been there. But people lived without it for thousands of years. Be thankful you're not in Florida in August with no AC and no way to keep food cool.
Buy up a bunch of cheap generators after the storm, and be "that guy" next time one rolls around....or c'mon down to GA, and I'll feed ya, getcha drunk, and send you home with a truckload of firewood!
Eh, Im not too worried about it personally, as you noted life goes on without electricity and I can always just go into the office which has a huge backup generator. And as noted I can always hack something together out of the parts I have here.
Capitalism is a fine thing, taking advantage of people in an emergency situation is not. Personally I'd rather not see most of the folks out there with a generator anyway since most of these idiots will try to backfeed their system through the dryer line and burn down their houses.