I currently live in an inner ring suburb of Philadelphia, but I'm planning to move within the next year. I grew up in rural South Jersey, and like country living, but taxes, cost of living and other factors keep me from even considering moving back to Jersey.
I've been looking to relocate to the southern or western part of Chester county PA. Affordable rural properties can still be found there. I've figured out which towns there have reasonable property taxes and good schools. I'm very familiar with that area, I like it, and know it well.
Recently its come to my attention that Cecil county MD, right across the southern boarder of Chester county, has homes in my price range with significantly lower property taxes, and good schools ( At least according to Great Schools rating system ).
What's the catch?
BTW, work is not an issue, I travel for work, and my company covers that territory. My wife drives a school bus, has a clean record, and is trained to work with special needs children. She shouldn't have a problem getting work.
2/12/14 10:30 a.m.
I was a Cecil County resident for around 16 years. Generally a decent place to live excluding a few smaller towns which are not fantastic. It was a fairly boring place to grow up but the schools were reasonable. What particular area where you looking into?
2/12/14 10:41 a.m.
It seems like the Mason Dixon line has a bit more rebel pride then areas further north or south. I think its the proximity to "all dem city people" that makes the rural folks out there get a bit defensive.
I interviewed for a job with Cecil County and spent a bit of time scoping out potential residencies. I'd shoot for Appleton Road, Little Egypt, New London Road area. Basically, anywhere between Fair Hill and Newark. That'd be maybe 40 minutes from state line to West Chester, though I wouldn't want to commute to Philly or Baltimore from there.
One of my best friends works in MD not far from Baltimore. He has a house in MD but kept his property in West Chester because he doesn't want to me a MD resident. He's gone as far to dual register his truck and trailer (MD offers this and he's good at finding obscure laws to work in his favor). He really hates MD.
Cecil County is a different world. If you are going to go there, maybe take a look at the outer areas of Newark, DE along the Elkton, MD border. I have a few friends that live in that area.
Pheller is on the money with areas just across the county line to Lancaster.
One of my neighbors house is for sale if you want to try D'town. I can get you the info.
HappyAndy wrote:
...but taxes, cost of living and other factors keep me from even considering moving back to Jersey.
Than there's no reason to consider Maryland.
PA on the other hand.... Particularly the rural parts.
In reply to foxtrapper:
Please elaborate. Sticking to the Cecil county region, how do the cost of living and taxes possibly compare to NJ?
The specific area that I've been looking at is Rising Sun, If MD continues to look favorable I would consider the area from the Susquehanna east to the DE boarder, right along the PA/MD state line.
I also have been looking into Lancaster county, but for work reasons I would need to stay near the Chester county boarder. Sadly, many of the towns in that region of Lancaster county have low rated schools. I do wonder though of the problem is ESL students dragging the rating down in otherwise good schools. I guess some in person research is needed for that issue.
Not a NJ expert.
But as I said, can't see why you'd want Maryland considering your comments. Cost of living is quite high in Maryland. There are other factors. Maryland is quite a nanny state for example.
2/12/14 2:05 p.m.
If we're talking property taxes I can only compare myself (NJ) with my parents (MD) we have houses valued about the same. I pay 4x the property tax in NJ that they do in MD so its all relative. I know people who think that MD taxes are high, those people have never lived in NJ.
HappyAndy wrote:
The specific area that I've been looking at is Rising Sun, If MD continues to look favorable I would consider the area from the Susquehanna east to the DE boarder, right along the PA/MD state line.
Well, that would be Cecil county. What about Maryland is making you say it looks favorable? And what things are you looking for and value in an area and state?
With regards to Rising Sun in particular, not to put too fine a point on it, but what's your ethnicity? The signs have been pulled down, but not all that long ago. The sentiment still remains. Read the history.
In reply to Datsun1500:
I'm blaming auto-correct. That's my story, and I'm sticking yo it!
Datsun1500 wrote:
foxtrapper wrote:
With regards to Rising Sun in particular, not to put too fine a point on it, but what's your ethnicity? The signs have been pulled down, but not all that long ago. The sentiment still remains. Read the history.
Shh.... that's one of Maryland's dirty little secrets.
Good to know. I was unaware that this region of MD had this reputation in recent history.
I'm a not quite average white suburbanite, my wife is not....
OTOH. The last place that we lived in NJ was reputedly very racist, but we had no trouble at all.
2/12/14 3:54 p.m.
I live in Newark DE and like it a lot. I am also very familiar with Cecil Co - grew up on the eastern shore, but know the west side / Elkton area pretty darn well. I'm on my phone right now but I will try to add more. Or feel free to PM me.
2/12/14 3:56 p.m.
One thing I will say is that property tax will be higher in PA but schools will be a bit better. Income taxes will be higher in PA and MD. Delaware has reasonable taxes and no sales tax.
2/12/14 4:39 p.m.
Rising Sun is still rumored to be the national HQ of the Klan, for what that's worth.
I have been here for 13 years and have heard that, but never experienced anything worse than backwoods/pine barrens nj where I grew up.
For public schools you will want to be in Oxford or Avon Grove in Chester (or further east). Don't look at Lancaster Co. I agree Rising Sun is pretty good for Cecil Co but I don't think they are as good as the PA schools.
We lived in Elkton right off 40 until the kids were nearing school age. I wouldn't go back for big $. Really happy with Oxford just anywhere worth going is 20-30min away. Quiet though, other than I can hear "the county" on a clear Sat during races. Which I do not mind at all.
Good to see more locals here.
No, But I am biased because the E36 M3ty waste of oxygen known as my ex-wife is somewhere in Cecil county.
I grew up in DE not to far from there. Awesome back roads to drive, but they've gotten very busy in the last 15 years since I've left. However, on a clear night, you can have some fun if you're careful. That's all I have to add.
I agree with those talking about Delaware. If you are thinking of moving to MD.. might as well look at the 1st state too
2/12/14 6:48 p.m.
rollins111 wrote:
HappyAndy wrote:
The specific area that I've been looking at is Rising Sun, If MD continues to look favorable I would consider the area from the Susquehanna east to the DE boarder, right along the PA/MD state line.
I also have been looking into Lancaster county, but for work reasons I would need to stay near the Chester county boarder. Sadly, many of the towns in that region of Lancaster county have low rated schools. I do wonder though of the problem is ESL students dragging the rating down in otherwise good schools. I guess some in person research is needed for that issue.
Hit me up if you have any questions. I live in 'downtown' Rising Sun. Rising Sun has some of the best schools in Cecil County and a quiet farm-centric style of life. I live in a small subdivision but there are lots of houses with more land. And it's only about 10 minutes to the Cecil County drag strip!
We were probably neighbors a few years ago! My parents live right on Main st. in RS. I agree with all of your comments regarding the area.
Delaware is a possibly, but I doubt it would work out. I have seriously looked into it in the past. The problem is that there are few rural properties in my price range north of the C&D canal, in fact the stuff along the PA/MD/DE border, mostly Newark addresses are quite pricey. South of the canal would put me out my work zone.
If you work in Pa or Md and live in De you get to pay both states' income tax. Pa and Md are reciprocal.
There are a few nice, big and $$ lots in Lewisville near Fairhill right now.
There is something particularly goofy about Del where you don't get credit for income tax paid in other states. Its one of the many reasons I don't live in Del, the state run inspections and no classic tags being others.
Paul_VR6 wrote:
I have been here for 13 years and have heard that, but never experienced anything worse than backwoods/pine barrens nj where I grew up.
For public schools you will want to be in Oxford or Avon Grove in Chester (or further east). Don't look at Lancaster Co. I agree Rising Sun is pretty good for Cecil Co but I don't think they are as good as the PA schools.
We lived in Elkton right off 40 until the kids were nearing school age. I wouldn't go back for big $. Really happy with Oxford just anywhere worth going is 20-30min away. Quiet though, other than I can hear "the county" on a clear Sat during races. Which I do not mind at all.
Good to see more locals here.
I didn't realize there was anyone from Oxford on GRM - I lived right down the road in Nottingham until a little over a year ago. For people not familiar with the area Nottingham falls right between Oxford and Rising Sun.
Chester county can be one of the more expensive places to live in the state, but you do get nice open land, and decent schools for the money. Having gone to high school in both DE and PA I can say Oxford's school district was worse than New Castle County, but I'd much rather live with the people in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania has much better choice for in state colleges as well. Delaware has about one, not sure on Maryland. You're far enough out of the cities to live quietly, but near enough to them to get all your basic needs without a far drive.
I'd have to hit up my accountant for details and I am not sure I am that motivated but... I think you only get credit for the DE portion of the tax and you get to pay the rest anyway, which to me is no real advantage. Example, if MD is 6% and DE is 1%, you get to pay MD the 6% and you get "credit" for the 1% and not pay DE, or just pay a prorated amount. Then you get to live in DE with all its, "advantages." 
Nitroracer, I am in East Nottingham, not far from Media/Barren Rd. I would have to disagree about Oxford vs New Castle Co schools, especially in the last 5-10 years. Everyone I know in DE sends their kids to private or Charter schools (who can), you don't see that in this section of PA for a reason. Oxford has made huge strides in the past few years, and that's one of the reasons we are here over some other districts.
For state schools, DE has few choices, but UDel is a pretty good school all things considered.