I've seen 2 or 3 different commercials for this car...all featuring JLo (JLO?) and I got to thinking:
1.) is this a chick car?
2.) is Fiat/Chrysler pitching this as a chick car....without thinking?
3.)with the commercials pitched so far, could they manage to pitch it as a "young PERSON'S car?
4.) any ideas as to how to do a commercial for this car that would appeal to guys?
I am NOT affliated in ANY way with Fiat, Chrysler, it's dealer network, or any advertising agency. I just don't understand why all the commercials prominently featuring JLo.
From what I can see from the outside they seem to have nailed the cuteness ala Miata, without the driving experience.
IMHO That would be a chick car like this is.

It appears to me that they are pushing it to be a fashion statement. Sales boutiques and JLo. The audience appears to be those that are into fashion.
So yeah.............Chick Car.
The regular one...maybe. The Abarth? Not so much.
What I've read is that Fiat has been (for a while) using celebrities overseas to sell the 500 and right now J-Lo is the only one they have on board in the US.
Also, I would say yes they are trying to sell it to younger people and as a fashion accessory.
It's also obvious that they are gearing the Abarth towards guys with the new Abarth commercial.
Smart marketing ploy would make light of the regular 500 being a chick car. The Arbath being refortified with testosterone, and emphasize the Arbath scorpion badge. Because nothing says manliness like a poisonous invertibrate.
Do you guys really define your masculinity by the car you drive? I've never figured that out.
no, but we define the masculinity of others by the cars they drive.
When I was talking to the salesmanager about how fast they were selling (fast) and who was buying them, he said he couldn't characterized the buyers. They seemed to be just about every size, color, sex and age group.
11/20/11 10:12 p.m.
Thing about "chick cars" is that chicks like them and notice them. Women like men who drive cute, fun cars. Drive around a souped up Camaro, and you will only attract attention from men.
Salanis wrote:
Thing about "chick cars" is that chicks like them and notice them. Women like men who drive cute, fun cars. Drive around a souped up Camaro, and you will only attract attention from men.
I've said that a few times...!
11/20/11 11:55 p.m.
If I had an Abarth SS, I wouldn't give the slightest crappe if anyone thought it was a chick car.
Salanis nailed it--women would dig that car. Mission accomplished. 
Slightly OT, my wife was watching the American Music Awards last night, and JLo's performance featured a 500 as one of the main features. 
The only people I've met who seriously use 'chick car' as a pejorative seem to be people so worried about their own masculinity I'm sure they have something to hide.
Now using 'Chick car' as a joke between friends is not just acceptable but also required. As a previous Miata owner I've received my fair share of chick car jibes, as a Volvo C30 owner I've head 'Euro fag' a million times. When I see a 500 my brain registers 'Cool' not chick car.
Did someone say chick car?

11/21/11 8:43 a.m.
Adrian_Thompson wrote:
The only people I've met who seriously use 'chick car' as a pejorative seem to be people so worried about their own masculinity I'm sure they have something to hide.
On the other hand, there's a new Nissan 'city car' buzzbox thing that they've brought out over here as a replacement for the Pulsar. Can't think of its name right now.
The TV ads for it featured one of the Sex and the City characters, and the interior has a special cavity designed to hold your handbag.
...no getting around that one.
Also, I think the 500 is cool.
I owned a '72 Spitfire in the mid '70s and one of the reasons why I sold it was because so many girls, not women, but young girls (under the age of 14) kept saying "cute car" as they passed by. Other reasons I sold it were that "...it's not a TR, so not really a Triumph" vibe I got and also, it was that "Hershey bar brown" color. Oh, yeah, at 6ft 4 I didn't really fit inside it all that well.
I haven't seen any Abarth commercials, yet.
11/21/11 8:53 a.m.
Those JLo ads beg the question, "Does this car make my butt look big(ger)?"
Edit - nothing to see here
Yes it is. Chrysler certainly didn't do it any favors by putting JLo in an ad for it.
Many consider the Miata a chick car, too, but there's something rewarding about the Miata (driving it) that makes it easier to endure the endless abuse and name-calling by your buddies. The 500? Not so much. It is true that girls do like guys driving cars like that. When I borrow my dad's Miata and just go for a drive, girls who would never even give me the time of day will yell out of the windows of their cars at me. It's very shallow of them, but for some reason, I find myself not caring :p
Oh, and that Murano convertible is a candidate for worst car of all time. In the looks department, especially.
11/21/11 9:15 a.m.
If you have to ask....
Women seem to think that my Corvette is "cute," even though it's dripping with testosterone and has fathered countless illegitimate children in the GM lineup....