when attempting to link to images from my onedrive it goes berzerk
https://hulp9g.dm2301.livefilestore.com/y2p9VlwXs94EgSuMD3HFSS9eliqZGJOozErvx2hciObaJcW4MnvfJnYpCYCc19nkwy3LK0qlzXmNaYFkP_E1PTWfVC-CK9FaKlrS7eU7UciN_0/damon petit rental.jpg
That's not a working direct link. Hotlinking it won't get you anything either.
You posted it as an image rather than just a URL...but I found one problem: That image isn't publicly accessible. If I try to view it I get a login page.
You'll need to log in to post.