Monday have a crew going two hours out to do a job, get a call hour and a half later and the truck is dead on the side of the highway. Day wasted and untold amount to repair. Customer does not understand why we can't do the job and refuses to let us work on Sat. Loose job because according to him we are "Godless heathens" because we don't worship his God on Sat.
Tuesday send guy's to a job and no one will answer the phone or the door. Still have made no contact.
Wednesday a hydraulic cylinder goes bad on our Mini excavator. $575 plus tax to repair. Rent another piece of equipment (brand new E26 Bobcat Mini ex)
Get to the shop this morning to find the chain on the gate cut and no truck or trailer or brand new piece of rental equipment in the yard. I had the keys in my pocket so I guess they hot wired it.
2008 F550 with a 14' trailer loaded down with a brand new Mini ex.
All told a little over $85,000 dollars worth of vehicles, tools and materials disappeared sometime last night.
Two more days and this week is over with. . .
Damn, that makes my week look like fun.
7/11/13 4:24 p.m.
Take a deep breath.
I'll pour you a drink. Just say when...

I will stop bitching about my week right now.
codrus wrote:
nicksta43 wrote:
All told a little over $85,000 dollars worth of vehicles, tools and materials disappeared sometime last night.
Hopefully insured?
Yes insured but it was the only truck we had on the road. The other is in the shop indefinitely. They haven't even looked at it yet, I'm thinking transmission from the description of how it died. Hopefully it's not another $18k engine.
So we went from having two F550s at the beginning of the week to none at the end. All we have left is a F250, F150 and a 300k mile Ridgline that is on it's last legs. Hell it's going to take the whole fleet just to get the crews back and forth let alone any tools or equipment.
At least the sales team is doing their job and selling like crazy right now. So It's not like this is going to shut us down or anything. Just a massive blow to moral and momentum.
I really hope from the bottom of my heart that whomever stole this stuff chokes to death on a five hundred pound, bag of dicks.
Sorry to hear of your rotten luck. Be extra vigilant once the stolen equipment is replaced, as it is not uncommon for thieves to return to steal the new stuff insurance bought, or the other stuff they didn't take the first time.
I came in here to bitch about my week, but now I can't because it pales in comparison. Thanks for reminding me it could be worse.
BTW, don't take that the way it may sound with the lack of emotion the internet conveys.
Jesus' E36 M3, that's a lot to happen in a week. By the sounds of it, a video surveillance system, such as you can buy from fellow forum member CWH, might help catch the bad guys the next time.
We had our cars broken into one time, and a couple weeks later it was our house. A friend gave me a DVR camera kit that he had laying around his shop, and I installed that. All people entering our property now have a legitimate reason to be on my property. Thieves don't like to be caught, and a camera pointed right at them tends to deter them quite a bit.
It really does sound like you've had the E36 M3tiest week ever, though.
Tie a knot and hang on buddy, it gets worse.The hottest fires forge the strongest metals. 
Um, yeah. Holy E36 M3 dude. You deserve a drink!
7/12/13 8:25 a.m.
Uhaul rental to get you through?
Made it through today without anything catastrophic happening. Here's to tomorrow ( throw back a shot...knocks on wood).
I will second what others have said. My week has its ups and downs. The low points were NOTHING compared to yours and in fact could be considered "good" in comparison. Hopefully things will work out for the best. I know when we had a theft of some equipment at a previous employer my boss took it as an opportunity to evaluate the company needs and replaced things with better (smaller more efficient) equipment that in the end made us a lot more $$$$$ and made all our jobs easier.
Yes I am the glass half full kind of guy.
dean1484 wrote:
I will second what others have said. My week has its ups and downs. The low points were NOTHING compared to yours and in fact could be considered "good" in comparison. Hopefully things will work out for the best. I know when we had a theft of some equipment at a previous employer my boss took it as an opportunity to evaluate the company needs and replaced things with better (smaller more efficient) equipment that in the end made us a lot more $$$$$ and made all our jobs easier.
Yes I am the glass half full kind of guy.
That is exactly how we are approaching it. Today went smooth as well. Here's hoping the worst is behind us.
Damn, I thought I had a craptastic week. It's gotta get better from there right?
nope.. not even a comparison to my week. Mine is more like a vacation compared to what you went through
nicksta43 wrote:
I really hope from the bottom of my heart that whomever stole this stuff chokes to death on a five hundred pound, bag of dicks.
I know it's family magazine, but I would like this quote to go in it. 
My week turned out super E36 M3ty. Just bad all the way around.