Isn't this considered stealing unless the landlord obtains the title thru it being abandoned? You can't just say "come take this from someone else..." right?
Landlord said:
Deadbeat Tenant abandoned their vehicle in the driveway. They didn't pay rent, trashed the place, and left their junk car behind. It is a POS, but you are welcome to it. I think it is a Hyundai. First one to take it away wins. Do not contact me. Even if you manage to contact me, I will not respond because it isn't worth another second of my time. I am sure you will need to obtain a salvage title.
It is located at 3056 Milford Chase Overlook, Marietta, 30008. That would be the Milford Chase subdivision off of Austell and Milford Church Road.
Do not cause anymore damage to the property while trying to move the vehicle.
Different rules in different places. Up here, after 30 days, it's yours.
6/16/10 9:48 a.m.
I thought this was going to be another thread on hotlinking.
I guess it depends on your local laws.
One morning my neighbor woke up with a Jetta in his yard. Nobody came for it all day, so our neighborhood security came and had it towed. I was trying to figure out how I could just keep it if nobody claimed it. Not sure what happened to it.
6/16/10 9:52 a.m.
i think they have to tow it the same as if it was an abandoned car that he didn't know who the owner was. if he wants to sell it to recoup damages to the unit as if it were something the tennant left in the apt, he would have to put a lien on the title and then sell it. obviously he doesn't want to do anything with it so you're going to end up with a car you probably can't get a title to.
I suspect this is a rather mean prank or a scam - Georgia law doesn't work that way. I know because I had looked into what it would take to get an abandoned car for the Challenge once.
The landlord can take possession of the car but would have to go through courts and title it properly.
6/16/10 10:59 a.m.
It's probably exactly what it says on the tin. I've had deadbeat tenants skip town on me before while owing thousands... I wouldn't shed one tear if the junker they left in the driveway mysteriously got "stolen", nor would I lift a finger to help them track it down IF they ever came back to claim it which they probably wouldn't. I completely see where this guy's coming from.
Good luck titling it though. Maybe somebody needs a parts car.
If the Landlord does get rid of the car, the POS tenant comes back with "Dude, where's my car?", does the Landlord have to produce one? Pay him?
If the tenant produces the listing where the landlord is soliciting theft of the tenants car, the landlord is in trouble. But if the landlord did nothing and the theft simply happened, the landlord would generally be held blameless.
That said, how each party behaves in front of the judge in the courtroom will also have a lot of bearing on the case.
There was an infamous case where a Craigslist ad was posted from someone claiming to be a landlord who said that a tenant had left their rental house full of junk and needed it gone that weekend... The ad had been posted by a teenage girl to get back at her grandmother for punishing her. People read the ad, turned up, found the house unlocked that weekend, and took everything.
Given the way the linked ad is worded, it could just be as easily be a prank or even the car's owner hoping to report it stolen.
Around here, we can't even recycle (scrap) a car anymore without a title.
It's a shady deal anyway you look at it. But I understand where the guy is coming from (if it's really the situation he says it is). On the other hand...don't rent to deadbeats I guess.
I woudn't touch it, I've had tennants abandon cars and I have them towed and impounded by a reputable towing/impound company, form there on it's there problem
evildky wrote:
I woudn't touch it, I've had tennants abandon cars and I have them towed and impounded by a reputable towing/impound company, form there on it's there problem
Exactly. The landlord should call the cops and report an abandoned vehicle. Cops will tag it and if it's not moved in xx amount of days, it gets impounded and it's the last registered owner's problem. This guy is going about it all wrong.
Isn't this considered stealing
In short: Yes. Yes it is.
6/16/10 3:26 p.m.
Yes, if you go remove a vehicle from somewhere without the registered owners permission (and you aren't a towing company authorized to do that sort of thing) you are stealing the car. The law won't care if some other guy said it was OK.
A friend of mine had this problem at one of his rental properties. He didn't feel like paying a towing service, so he took his truck and used it to push the car into the street. I think he sort of tried to keep it on the edge, but it wasn't the best parallel parking job in the world. It didn't take long before the car got towed.
drop it off in boston with Yankee stickers?
Naa, too far
drop it off in boston with Yankee stickers?
Naa, too far
Maybe it's just me, but in this area I've noticed that if a car looks to be abandoned, that is, it hasn't moved in weeks/months? it sits. Yet, leave your car on the street (foolishly, I might ad) with a tag that expired 24 hours's rapidly towed to some dark hole.