I shy away from political threads because of the strong emotions involved. I'll be more careful in the future, didn't know you were sensitive on the subject.
I shy away from political threads because of the strong emotions involved. I'll be more careful in the future, didn't know you were sensitive on the subject.
Dan I don't mean to be overly sensitive, but after spending a great week with many of these friends.... Thanks for understanding.
Greg Voth wrote: It doesn't look gay until you throw a Miata on it. Just keep them off an you will be fine.
Living in the San Francisco Bay area you get to see what openly gay men drive and, shockingly, the answer, most often, is not Miata. We had one gay couple competing in local autocrosses a couple years ago. Do you want to know what the "most gay" (as in owned, operated and enjoyed by gay men) at a San Francisco autocross is?
A Z06 Corvette.
alfadriver wrote:914Driver wrote: I have gay friends also, no disrespect was intended. DanThen why use it? Seems like a rather lame excuse for labeling something odd or bad as gay if you ask me. The intention of the usage is bad. So if no disrespect is intended, find better or more creative words. Using "gay" as an insult, and then claiming no disrepsect is not correct. The intended use IS to show disrespect for whatever you are posting- like this trailer for instance. So then the word "gay" is intended as an insult. If you do not want it to be thought of as an insult, use a different word- there are millions available.... If you intend "flamboyant"- what's wrong with that word? Flashy is good, too. There are a lot of better words to use. Eric (no idea what PIITB is)
That is so gay.
Type Q wrote:Greg Voth wrote: It doesn't look gay until you throw a Miata on itLiving in the San Francisco Bay area you get to see what openly gay men drive and, shockingly, the answer, most often, is not Miata. We had one gay couple competing in local autocrosses a couple years ago. Do you want to know what the "most gay" (as in owned, operated and enjoyed by gay men) at a San Francisco autocross is? A Z06 Corvette.. Just keep them off an you will be fine.
Are you calling my Miata not gay? As a heterosexual, I find that stereotype to be offensive and demand an apology.
alfadriver wrote:914Driver wrote: I have gay friends also, no disrespect was intended. DanThen why use it? Seems like a rather lame excuse for labeling something odd or bad as gay if you ask me. ...
Please stop disparaging folks who cannot walk!
Ok...I had to. Sorry!
Gay meant the same to everyone until the HOMOSEXUALS perverted the word for their own use. I'll stop calling something GAY(in a derogatory manner) when the homos refer to themselves as homosexual and gay can mean what it always did. Yes....I'm a Shiny Happy Person. Get over it.
minimac wrote: Gay meant the same to everyone until the HOMOSEXUALS perverted the word for their own use.
My wife was born in 1962 and Gay was the middle name her parents gave her. It is a really pretty name when combined with her first name.
Datsun1500 wrote: I find it a bit offensive that you use terms like “flamboyant” or "flashy" etc etc... for your little descriptions or whatever in the avatars. I myself do not have intelligence, nor am I a sex ed teacher or porn star, but I feel sensitivity for "flamboyant" people as I am a student taking "flashy" classes, and my Girlfriend is pursuing her masters in the field.
I was unaware that they offered undergraduate, much less graduate degrees in "flashy".
it really doesn't matter what you say these days someone is going to go all sensitive on you and protest the use of whatever you've said, so the best I can offer is show your feelings about something that is really important ( like bacon) and just leave the rest to find it's own level.....
Rusnak_322 wrote:Datsun1500 wrote: I find it a bit offensive that you use terms like “flamboyant” or "flashy" etc etc... for your little descriptions or whatever in the avatars. I myself do not have intelligence, nor am I a sex ed teacher or porn star, but I feel sensitivity for "flamboyant" people as I am a student taking "flashy" classes, and my Girlfriend is pursuing her masters in the field.I was unaware that they offered undergraduate, much less graduate degrees in "flashy".
Most schools call it interior decorating or fashion design.
I am sorry if any one is offended by that coment. Not sorry I said it just sorry you are so sensitive as to be offended. It is your problem, not mine.
I can't believe this board would let this post digress to such a pitiful level of PC goose-steppery*.
They are only words, people. If you love the English language, and can breathe in it's fluid nature, surely you can accept the appropriation of a perfectly good word by a traditionally morose cultural sub-group.
In high school (late 60s, early 70s), two of the most "popular" people in school were a boy named Phil Gay, and a girl named Gay Mustard (I swear!). Many times we tried to get them together, on the off chance that they would get married and her name would be Gay Gay. We imagined that because of the novelty aspect, and not because of some alleged homosexual conotation. The word had not been usurped at that time (in Georgia, at least).
To be clear about this, I personally have numerous homosexual friends, the most honest of which are very comfortable with the monikers of queer or faggot. The ones who raise a fuss about the word "gay" are not truly in their own "adopted" lifestyle, but "wannabes".
I may be "straight", but I can spot a flaming wannabe from a mile off...... Guess how many I spotted today.
*goose-steppery: a word of my own coining, made only for the purposes of this post. I hope to have not insulted any 3rd reich members of the board. It seemed appropriate at the time. Any overly emotional members offended may eMail me directly for an official apology.
A homosexual is a person with a natural attraction to the same sex. A gay person is someone who has CHOSEN to wear gold paint and not much more in parades, or a diaper, or whatever, and tell me it's not a choice. The gay people are making it hard for the homosexual people to be accepted in society.
I've decided that whenever I'm about to use a possibly offensive adjective, I'm going to use "white guy" instead.
That's white guy, and I know it, but I'm going with it.
That's pretty cool; most of the just plain old white guys I know are not offended by anything you can say*. I'm a white guy, and I know I'm not. Honky, Cracker, Redneck.. I'll wear any mantle you care to hang on me.
*Unless you talk about their momma. Then you're on your own.
I agree with using the word ghey instead of, well, you know, the "g" word........
Just like when we describe something as being "teh secks". You know, we use the word secks in place of the "s" word........ so as not to offend those that might have friends that have sex, er, I mean the "s" word......
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