Previous posts about Atlas Shrugged...
Lesley wrote:
I devoured all her books when I was about 14 - at which point I realized that nothing's as black and white as the pictures she paints. Some interesting ideas, but you get sick of the BFH.
Marjorie Suddard wrote:
As one who spent her middle teens reading pretty much everything Rand had ever written, and most of it multiple times, I have to agree with Iggy. Selfish and simplistic... which is why, at 14, I thought she was the greatest thinker ever.
Thankfully, I grew up once I reached adulthood. Sad that she didn't. Her real-life story, by the way, shows the kind of fruit her ideas bear. Sour stuff.
So I saw Atlas Shrugged, Part I this weekend. I liked it. Very well done. Impressive film for a $10M budget. Stuck to the book quite well. Too well in fact - it including Rand's propensity for beating you over the head with a point. Still, it was well cast, well acted, well adapted to modern times, etc. Two thumbs up.
Oh yeah - and Taylor Shilling is [high voice] hot [/high voice].
Ultimate thread jack. From Rand to Twilight in just one post. One very long post.
Hey iggy - Know how I know? 
4/25/11 11:40 a.m.
DILYSI Dave wrote:
It made me feel like a 14 year old girl all over
That's really disturbing, Dave.
SVreX wrote:
DILYSI Dave wrote:
It made me feel like a 14 year old girl all over
That's really disturbing, Dave.
I just found it interesting that two previous conversations on the book had our ladies talking about how much they enjoyed it at 14. Seemed like a natural title after that. :)
In reply to Wally:
I see you beat me. This time....
SVreX wrote:
DILYSI Dave wrote:
It made me feel like a 14 year old girl all over
That's really disturbing, Dave.
Well it's better to feel LIKE a 14 year old girl than to FEEL a 14 year old girl- he is making progress. I think that if we up his meds he'll soon be ready to rejoin normal society.
Who knew that with a title like that I wouldn't get serious movie discussion.
4/25/11 1:15 p.m.
DILYSI Dave wrote:
Who knew that with a title like that I wouldn't get serious movie discussion.
I'll reply seriously when it comes out on Netflix in a year. I was a fan of the book, though. Did they make Dagney hot? I heard they were going to - that's a mistake.
tuna55 wrote:
DILYSI Dave wrote:
Who knew that with a title like that I wouldn't get serious movie discussion.
I'll reply seriously when it comes out on Netflix in a year. I was a fan of the book, though. Did they make Dagney hot? I heard they were going to - that's a mistake.
She was hot.
Of course, she was hot in the book too, at least in my head. Though she was a brunette in my head, and a blonde in the movie.
DILYSI Dave wrote:
Who knew that with a title like that I wouldn't get serious movie discussion.
Is that what you call this? 
carguy123 wrote:
SVreX wrote:
DILYSI Dave wrote:
It made me feel like a 14 year old girl all over
That's really disturbing, Dave.
Well it's better to feel LIKE a 14 year old girl than to FEEL a 14 year old girl-
Nothing wrong with either one if you are only 13.
4/25/11 2:13 p.m.
DILYSI Dave wrote:
So I saw Atlas Shrugged, Part I this weekend. I liked it. Very well done. Impressive film for a $10M budget. Stuck to the book quite well. Too well in fact - it including Rand's propensity for beating you over the head with a point. Still, it was well cast, well acted, well adapted to modern times, etc. Two thumbs up.
Hmmm. I wonder if you saw the same movie this guy did?
Then again, based on that "review", I don't see any evidence he even saw it. Got preconceptions?
4/25/11 2:17 p.m.
DILYSI Dave wrote:
tuna55 wrote:
DILYSI Dave wrote:
Who knew that with a title like that I wouldn't get serious movie discussion.
I'll reply seriously when it comes out on Netflix in a year. I was a fan of the book, though. Did they make Dagney hot? I heard they were going to - that's a mistake.
She was hot.
Of course, she was hot in the book too, at least in my head. Though she was a brunette in my head, and a blonde in the movie.
She was good looking, although highly unconventional, in my mind during the book. I had her as burnette, too.
4/25/11 2:30 p.m.
Duke wrote:
Hmmm. I wonder if you saw the same movie this guy did?
Then again, based on that "review", I don't see any evidence he even saw it. Got preconceptions?
The reviewer had an agenda. Who da thunk?
N Sperlo wrote:
In reply to Wally:
I see you beat me. This time....
TOOO obvious for me to not want to hit this out of the park.
so how does it feel to be a 14yo girl?
Let's wait for the sales numbers to see how the market judges it in a 'bagger sort of way..
It's made $2.3 to $3M so far..
Looks like another 
4/25/11 7:46 p.m.
huge-O-chavez wrote:
Let's wait for the sales numbers to see how the market judges it in a 'bagger sort of way..
It's made $2.3 to $3M so far..
Looks like another ...
On a budget of $10M? It's hardly another Ishtar or Waterworld.
Duke wrote:
huge-O-chavez wrote:
Let's wait for the sales numbers to see how the market judges it in a 'bagger sort of way..
It's made $2.3 to $3M so far..
Looks like another ...
On a budget of $10M? It's hardly another Ishtar or Waterworld.
2nd week out the sales dropped 50% with 200% more available theaters..
Come on..