You know, 4th of July and all that.... 'cause I blew the muffler off my car.
I was trying to get MegaSquirt tuned well enough to start it. Needless to say after a month of dicking around, I'm getting tired of futzing with MegaSquirt.
Seriously, I'm stumped and rather frustrated at this point as I'm going to miss the local 924 gathering at the Portland Historic Races. The only comment I've gotten from the MSextra board after looking at my datalog is about the lack of vacuum, which is so helpful to an engine running Alpha_N (especially as it is running large ITB's).
At least the neighbors around me were firing off M80's so my little explosion didn't seem to cause any concern among the neighbors on my street. Still, without a muffler, no more tuning until I get it replaced :(