AClockworkGarage said:
Yeah... I can throw in on this, and maybe even finish.
. I bought this awful Donk'd regal a few years back and hoped to "unpimp zee auto" as it were using this grand prix as a suspension donor. I didn't get very far but this might be a great excuse to dust it off.

I like where this is heading. Paint scheme???
In reply to vwcorvette (Forum Supporter) :
I really have no idea. I'm sort of playing it by ear. I am partial to blues tho. We'll see if any progress is made or if it just becomes another stalled project again.
I'm most likely in... just moved into a new house last week, and hopefully can unpack enough to find my model stuff and join in!
More parts arrived in the form of a glue bomb. I needed the flares as the kit I have did not have them.

11/8/21 8:44 p.m.
I'm in but going to get a late start as I have a couple more pressing projects to knock out of the way first. Looking to do the abandoned project '58 Chevy that I started sometime in the early to mid '90s and deserves to be finished. Keep your fingers crossed that all the parts are still in the box.
11/8/21 9:36 p.m.
Having nothing that met the spirit of the criteria, I ordered a kit from Ebay this morning.
I have a week off in a few weeks, so it shouldn't be a problem to finish. It's also a AMT re-re-re-release so there won't be all that many parts.
Well, I have 2 stalled projects I was thinking about starting the season with, this seems like a decent reason to pick them up. I'm in.
11/9/21 12:07 p.m.
I've had this AMT March 86C sitting on the shelf for several years. I'd take it out, see how much filling and sanding I'm in for, and put it back in the box. Maybe I'll get it done this time. Decals from Indycals.

Wally (Forum Supporter) said:
I managed to finish the stockcar yesterday.
That was fast! Looks great! What did you do for the V6?
Having a tough time getting the colors on the Gurney Impala right. I believe the actual color is Midnight Blue poly, which appears to be lighter than navy but not as bright as a true/royal/bright blue, and non-metallic. Also, the interior is a mix of blues that I can't seem to get right.
ddavidv said:
I was like, "No way I can do one right now" but then saw this is a two month allotment. So yeah...maybe.
Funny, I was just thinking yesterday, "We haven't had a model car build thing for quite awhile". 
Same. I need to go dig through my attic and see what's up there. There are at least a couple of dozen model kits. I think one or two were already started. When I was in high school (or earlier...).
Actually... One in particular comes to mind... 
In reply to Javelin (Forum Supporter) :
That's a die cast for my friend Glenn that owned and drove it and I left the blob in place. I'm building a model for myself that will use an engine based on the Monogram Indy Buick V6 in the Mac Tools kit.

For the contest I'm building this Plymouth late model
11/12/21 8:50 a.m.
I dig that Plymouth kit. It's an odd car; not sure there was ever an actual race car like that, but it looks cool. It really pushes my self-imposed "Fords only" rule.
11/12/21 4:16 p.m.
Ah, I should probably get started huh?
Some progress. The flares will need a lot of work. Not sure if going with the louvers since they cover the fuel filler. That means it would need to be hinged.
Scale comparison.1:20, 1:25, 1:32, 1:48(?)

Had to open up the gills.

11/14/21 6:35 a.m.
Our contest/challenge aside, I just wasn't feeling any of the current choices in my stash. Plus, they didn't really fit the criteria for this one. The idea of doing a race car was appealing, though, so I picked this up on Ebay:

Some background: my very first kit ever was the '64 Galaxie in this series. AMT took their 'annual' kits and butchered them into these stock cars, ruining the body molds in the process for them to ever be stock builds again. While I dig building this vintage stuff I could never get past the absurdly large tires these kits come with. I was hoping they were solid one piece deals that I could just cut down but they are actually two pieces, and not in a helpful way. Hmmm. My tire stash has pretty much nothing I can substitute as I recall, but I'll take another look. But if anyone has some 1.25" diameter slicks that aren't 3/4" wide I'd be interested.
Being a former annual, it's a pretty simplistic kit with nearly all the detail molded into the floorpan. Should be an easy build. Now the hand-wringing over the color begins. I usually use my left over paint on race cars.
Not a model builder but I have a thought.
It'd be neat to see you guy do a past year $2000 Challenge build.
Sprites, Subarus, pontiacs, bradleys etc.
In reply to ddavidv :
I'll look through my stash tonight.
In reply to vwcorvette (Forum Supporter) :
. Not sure if going with the louvers since they cover the fuel filler. So how often do you put fuel in a fantasy build?
Bits and pieces. I opened a Tamiya Volvo 850 kit to steal the seats. Wheels and front tires from various '49 Ford kits, rear tires from parts box. Interior panels for cargo area installed.

In reply to TurnerX19 :
The realist in me has to consider the practical nature of the build. Besides might be cool as a hatch. We'll see.
11/14/21 8:02 p.m.
How would y'all make a frame look rusty?
Wally (Forum Supporter) said:

For the contest I'm building this Plymouth late model
Well Dang ! I've had this around for a while, I got as far as opening the box and looking at it.

So I may do this instead. My first dirt track car was a 66 Skylark.