Woman is living the life of Riley while signied up for Medicade, food stamps etc. Gets caught with bank accounts in her 5 kids' names "Oh, I didn't know I had to report that".
Article said:
When Lopez appeared in court in November, she was clad in a black pinstripe suit with a Louis Vuitton designer handbag. At the time, the Times Union reported that she lived in a two-story house in Colonie that had a Silver Lincoln Navigator and Jeep Cherokee in the driveway. A blue Dodge Ram pickup truck was on the property, as was a small boat and an above-ground swimming pool.
Ian F
3/1/11 2:54 p.m.
"Oy" indeed... the crappy part is she'll probably get off on some technicality... like that lawyer-thing that was mentioned...
The really crappy part is for every one that does get caught, you have to wonder how many others are milking the system...
I wonder how the kids got that much money in their accounts?
I would love to see this woman do hard time.
I have actually worked with people who believe that it is your responsibility to keep them from stealing your stuff. If they get it, its your falut. Same people who would sue you if you shot them for stealing, becaude shooting someone is too severe a punishment for stealing.
by all estimates, this type of fraud is very very minor...
but man it makes you mad.
Poor thing, she just didn't know! These big bad government types are just trying to make her life hard. I say that she can get off the charges free, with just one entsy-beentsy caveat: She has to have "Stupid piece of E36 M3" tattooed all over her face.
3/1/11 6:09 p.m.
Ignorant wrote:
by all estimates, this type of fraud of this scale is very very minor...
but man it makes you mad.
FTFY. But by and large I do agree.