Why does Itunes separate stuff? I have one elvis album, a greatest hits, but it separates it into three files in itunes, cause some of the songs were elvis/jordanairs. How do I tell it to stop? I also have some motorhead stuff, and some of it is only one song from an album, and it separates all that onto the iphone as well. I want it to be under one file, so when I select motorhead, that's what it plays, all of it, instead of just one track. Can anyone help??
You can highlight all the files (all elvis or motorhead) and right click then select get info. From there you can change it so all the artist names or album names are the same. That way it is all grouped together.
5/31/10 11:42 p.m.
You're perfectly free to edit the artist/album/title or any other info on any files you have stored in iTunes if you wish to. The program can't do much more than organize things based on the information it's been given.
Thanks guy. That helps, though it isn't allowing me to select multiple files.
Did you select the first song and hold control while selecting the rest one at a time? Or you could select the first one and hold shift then select the last one and it will highlight everything in between.
Hey...Thats awesome! How have I made it to 30 YO without knowing that?
Control + click will allow you to select specific things, Shift + click will allow you to select an entire range.