Yesterday at 8:10 a.m. Ian Michael Medford joined the world as the first grandchild in the family. He is 8lbs 1.6oz and 21.5 inches long.

I've been making Winston Churchill jokes every time he gets upset. I've never been so tired in my life, but everything went smooth and mom handled delivery beautifully (all natural too, no drugs!).
He doesn't know it yet, but we will be building him a go-kart and at some point his old man is going to put an old car into storage for him when he gets old enough to work on it.
I can't describe what it's like being a dad now, but I know that I'll never be the same and that's ok.
It's a pretty powerful feeling, eh? Congrats.
Sleep when you can! (which won't be nearly as much as you want for a long, long time).
slefain wrote:
I can't describe what it's like being a dad now, but I know that I'll never be the same and that's ok.
I've been a mom for almost 16 years, and that's one of the best descriptions of parenthood I've ever heard. Congratulations.
New Reader
7/31/09 2:37 p.m.
Aww, Congrats!
(And a big WTG for momma going drug free, definitely the way to do things)
Congrats, ill be joining that club in about 5 weeks or so...
Hey congrats, I had one about 2 weeks ago and all I can say is WOW! Little Jack and I watched Top Gear together the other night for the first time. Being a dad FTW! Again, congratulations.
7/31/09 4:16 p.m.
Handsome lad, congrats to all. There will probably be more, but the first time is special, after that you more or less know what to expect. Me, my grandbabies are having babies now. Yeah, that makes me a great grandfather. Whay can I say? Thier plumbing works, not too sure about thier brains.
New Reader
8/1/09 10:34 a.m.
Yeah,parenthood is a reality check for sure.
"Holy E36M3! I have a kid!" (Two in my case)
It tends to light the proverbial fire under one's tushy.
Sleep is over rated anyway;I distinctly remember getting home from work and finally laying down about 20 minutes before my alarm goes off then heading back to work...good times.
Welcome to the fold and congratulations.
My usual response is: "It was the proudest day of my Life" when my son was born.
Now, given the circumstances (JD), it has become the most meaningful.
Congrats, and make sure you take care of Momma!
Congrats on the new kid. My baby is turning 4 months in 3 days.. Dizzam how time flies.
The_Jed wrote:
It tends to light the proverbial fire under one's tushy.
No crap. Before baby I was a lackadaisical, sarcastic and sardonic engineer. After baby, I'm in an executive development program..
Mine's 3 months old now. Time certainly does fly. You're gonna be a slave to his schedule but it's all worth it.
Sleep is for the weak, all you need is caffeine.
mines 5 yrs old, a little monster I tell ya. No really she is an awsome kid.
BTW baby enstine= sleep !!
Congratz man!
Oh and the comments on sleep, PLEASE take every chance ya get, everone I know with kids has that same complaint, not enough sleep.
Congrats! Mine just turned 18 in June. It passes quicker than you think...make sure to enjoy!
The thing I remember the most about being a new parent was the first time I had to do a diaper change. My friends with kids always said "it's different when it's yours". I thought they were talking about some sort of loviedovie Bizarro-World "..oh, my precious made a dookie! Isn't that sweet?"
I couldn't have been more wrong. They were talking about the feeling of responsibility, and a more primal feeling about something I still can't quite say with words. "Insuring my bloodline continues" is about as close as I can get.
"Well, nobody else is gonna do it.." is what I said back then, but with a sense of commitment to the child that I'd never felt before for anyone. Like I said, I still can't hang enough good words on it to really describe it.
EDIT: Reading some of the other posts reminds me that other thing I remember about being a new parent is sleep deprivation. Sleep at every opportunity you get. They ain't lying, dude!
Parenthood's a trip, but I think I'm a much better person for being one! You really will witness life in a way you never thought possible.
New Reader
8/3/09 12:41 p.m.
Congrats. The best thing I ever did was become a father. Enjoy and I second the Baby Einstein worth its weight in gold miata's and lotus's Invest in them and dont be to angry with the smart people who invented it when you first see one!
Being a parent is the most fulfilling thing I have ever done. We have a 6 year old boy, a 18 month old boy and another something on the way. Spending time with my boys is the highlight of my day.
There are times when it is very hard but all they have to do is smile at you or give you a hug and you are on top of the world again. Just ermember to have fun.
congrats, you motherberkeleyer! 
It is never too early to start teaching proper heel-toe techniques.
He's been working on his pedal work, he's got to get a little more gentle on the clutch disengagement though or he's gonna break something.
Ian has jaundice pretty good so he had to be on the "tanning bed" for a while, but that will clear up. The doc says it's pretty normal.
I'm mastering the "one handed diaper change" cause he kicks like a mule! Diaper off and he just starts running laps in the air. Gotta hold the feet in one hand, and do the paperwork with the other.
So far I'm loving it. Sure I only sleep in 3 hour blocks, but my wife and I have a system worked out. My work was nice enough to let me take 5 days off to get things settled down at home.
Brian, the baby is gonna turn yellow when it gets home; no biggie. A little sun never hurt any baby with jaundice. Awesome! I haven't seen all of your stuff on the GRM $2009 classifieds, so I guess you are past the "OMG, you're pregnant? OMG, I have to sell everything! How will make the mortgage? Jeeeezus!" stage, so good job.
If you need ANYTHING, I am in the area. 770-778-7368.
BTW, the smile isn't because he thinks you are funny, it is because he is pooping so don't flatter yourself~