11/9/16 10:59 p.m.
I know some of you have also gone through this and it's something we all have to face sooner or later, but it always sucks. More so when it happens suddenly and unexpectedly.
A week ago this last Monday, Mom had a massive stroke while washing the racks for the oven she had just cleaned. At 83, with achy 10-yr old knees and a 10 month old hip (after fracturing the OEM last year), she still had a dogged determination to keep doing everything she could and things she hadn't done before. Just three weeks ago she took a seven day bus trip to Cape Cod. I picked her up when she returned and took her immediately to a baby shower for what was to be her first great grandchild. Mom was six weeks away from turning 84 and less than 9 weeks from celebrating the first birth of two pending great grandkids. Damn, just damn.
There is some comfort in knowing that she didn't suffer; I was by her side within seconds of hearing her fall but it was obvious she was in the worst of conditions. A life flight to Pittsburgh only confirmed there was no hope and my sister and I followed her wishes and had her taken off the ventilator. Eight hours later she drew her last breath. Coincidentally, perhaps not, it was All Saints Day. She touched a lot of people's hearts as demonstrated by their reactions to the news of her passing and to the family and friends who honored her life at the memorial service or with heartfelt condolences.
There is a bit of humorous irony in that she may have had a heart attack had she known that (while she was out of town) I was baking a refinished and painted valve cover in the same oven she cleaned after I had cooked a pack of bacon for a meal of her one of her favorites - BLT's.
Anyway, the most important thing I can share is that family and loved ones are precious and their lives can be shorter than hoped for or expected. Tell them you love them and hug them if you can because it sucks when you can't.
Condolences. I am sorry for your loss.
11/9/16 11:06 p.m.
I'm sorry for your loss. I visited my Mother last weekend & went to my high school class reunion. It was a very small class but I was the only class member there who has a living parent. Last paragraph of oldsaw's post is good advice.
I am sorry for your loss.
Very sorry to hear oldsaw, my condolences to you and your family.
I'm so sorry to hear this. My condolences to you and your family.
11/10/16 6:15 a.m.
My mom will be 70 next month. I call her at least once/week and visit when I can (an hour away, 2hr round trip and a dog to take care of after work in yet another town makes it hard). She also doesn't drive, which doesn't help, but now has a friend that they want to go on adventures now, so I try to get them up this way whenever possible. I know she isn't getting any younger.
Sorry for your loss. Please accept our deepest condolences. Prayer of comfort for you and the fam.
Sorry to hear about your loss. My dad died in June and last night my wife mentioned she misses my dad.
Condolences Oldsaw, we all know it's coming but it's always a shock when we actually lose a loved one. It sounds like she had a good run and a life well lived.
Ian F
11/10/16 7:42 a.m.
Sorry for your loss. Fortunately, I see my mother with some regularity and talk to her more often now that she has discovered text messaging.
So sorry to read this. I don't know if it's the combination of just having a baby and reading your post, my emotions are a wreck this morning. May she rest in peace.
Sorry for your loss, my moms the same age.
My condolences to you and your family. 
Very sorry to hear that. Yesterday I had to drive down to Chicago to retrieve our Expedition which had some trouble over the weekend there. My mom offered to take me, and I took her up on it because it meant I got to spend 4 hours in the car with her just chatting. I lost my dad 15 years ago, so I know that this time is precious.
11/10/16 8:51 a.m.
Each life must end, but it's never the right time when it does. My thoughts are with you and your family.
11/10/16 8:52 a.m.
Sorry to hear of your loss.
Not sure how long my Mom will be hanging on.
I'm sorry to hear this. I will be calling Mom tonight.
I am sorry for your loss and agree with your comments. My mom passed away 23 years ago at the age of 65. She lived three hours away and we didn't get to see her much the last few years, plus she lived in a nursing home during that time.
And cherish the humor of baking car parts in her oven. It will give you a warm feeling in your heart.