A Jaguar enthusiast who wanted to fit his two dogs in his cramped sports car found a novel solution - by fusing a Morris Minor to the back of it.
The result is a bizarre-looking creation made up of the two cars morphed together, with the sleek Jaguar XK150 front being matched with the rear of a Morris Minor Traveller.
The combination has led to a vehicle with an elegant front and a classically ugly but practical boot on the back.
9/8/11 6:38 p.m.
With just a bit more effort, that could have been done in a moderately less ugly way. Still, it could have been worse...
I expected that to be horrible looking but, in fact, it turned out to look pretty good. I couldn't do that to a 150 unless the rear end got crunched.
I want one of those to take to the dog park.
And of course I'm playing devil's advocate. (And just poking fun at Joey since he's always so against expensive cars.) Not sure we can call that a low-buck build, but guess it would have been even pricier had he started with an XK120.
The only thing about it that bothers me is the dip in the middle of the roof line.
I'd drive it.
corytate wrote:
JoeyM wrote:
or a simply a build that makes you say, "what the berkeley!?!?!"
it took a second of incredulous staring at that last one before I holy shat myself.
Real men use 360 hp, 9-cylinder radial engines and
fabricate their own transmission
For the record, though, I'm not a fan of stuff like this

Looks like something that was built for the sole purpose of pissing off Jeremy Clarkson.
This was worse than I imagined. I knew a Jag engine wouldn't fit in an old Morris Minor so I figured someone had put the Morris engine in the Jag.
I agree on the roof.. if it were a smooth arc from front to rear, I would absolutely love it
JoeyM wrote:
corytate wrote:
JoeyM wrote:
or a simply a build that makes you say, "what the berkeley!?!?!"
it took a second of incredulous staring at that last one before I holy shat myself.
Real men use 360 hp, 9-cylinder radial engines and
fabricate their own transmission
Actually real men use the R2800 Double Wasp engine, up to 2500 hp!
I'm just wondering how they got it in there and do the lower cylinders overheat.
It isn't just the roofline that doesn't line up the waistline is off worse than an alfa milano. They obviously lined up the top of the jag window frame and the top corner of the morris and called it done. They two halves come together at opposing and not at all complimentary angles.
It is a high end british version of this

The best description of this car came from the UK retro-rides forum. That this car was indicative of the whole "That'll Do" mentality they had as a nation.
Entropyman wrote:
Looks like something that was built for the sole purpose of pissing off Jeremy Clarkson.
you say that like it is a bad thing....I'd call that a worthy goal
Do they call the "new" car a Minor Jaguar?
For those folks quibbling over the uneven roofline: What's the big deal? Look at a 240 series Volvo, even the doors on those wagons look like they received no modifying to mate to the rear/side windowline. Subaru, and Toyota All-Trac wagons in the mid-late 80s had those "goofy" pushed-up over the cargo area rooflines. (Like an Olds Vista Cruiser, but without the extra glass.)
I'm just curious, did this guy have a Jaguar and Minor in his garage and one day say to himself : "You know, if I just took the one and added it to the other, I'd have one heck of a car." Or did he purchase the Minor AFTER he got the idea?
I'd call it a Minotaur and then....

Karl La Follette wrote:
That car (and young man) were in a pretty good movie.
In reply to David S. Wallens
The sum of parts... worth less, Im sure. Kinda neat.