NSFW. NSFW. NSFW. nothing sexual, it's considered very racially insensitive, not racist, just insensitive.
nice article from Gene Weingarten in the Post.
Well, I guess I'm racially insensitive, cause that made me laugh.
Of course, I read National Lampoon when P.J. O'rourke edited it.
7/28/10 10:33 a.m.
Eh, it didn't make me laugh, but only because it wasn't all that funny, not because of any insensitivity. But some of the verbal descriptions in the obit sounded pretty good.
I wasn't aware of him by name, and certainly not by backstory, but the style looks familiar. Kind of New Yorker meets Hustler.
I like this one and it was one of the few I could find to hotlink that was somewhat safe for work.
Wow, I knew JC's work but never knew any of the backstory. Thanks for the Post link...
A few more:
Of Callahan, friend Gary Larson himself said: "There are two basic reasons I enjoy Callahan's work so much: First, I think his cartoons are just plain funny; second, he makes my own work seem normal."
haha some of this stuff is funny...