No Jurassic World talk? What gives!? It made like, all of the money last weekend.
Saw it today, it's a great popcorn movie. Lotsa Flash, light on substance, heavy on nostalgia. It's really just a modernized retelling of the original and that was fine by me. Also, Chris Pratt. Who doesn't love Chris Pratt.
I really wanted to go see it and pitch perfect 2 ( don't judge me, Anna Kendrick is my Hollywood gf) at the drive in this past weekend, but the wife was layer up in bed not feeling great. So I watches a couple junky netflix moviea. I hears it was good though
Funny, we were at the drive-in watching those 2 on Saturday night. Definitely popcorn flicks - as in I enjoyed both but would have felt ripped if I had paid to see each of 'em separately at theater prices.
My wife and I saw it on Saturday. We liked it. Good action pic with less one liners than I expected. It was like Fast and Furious but with dinosaurs. We even had the dino-nerds behind us talking about how unrealistic and unscientific it was.
I was amazed Opie's daughter could run in heels as fast as the Parks and Rec guy could in boots.
The divorcing parents seemed like an unnecessary sub plot.
Sitting in the theater now (waiting for the wife). Thought it was pretty good. Not awesome but definitely entertaining.
singleslammer wrote:
Not awesome but definitely entertaining.
This is the perfect one line review of the movie.
Is it essential to see the other Jurassic movies, before seeing this one?
RealMiniDriver wrote:
Is it essential to see the other Jurassic movies, before seeing this one?
Nope, though there are a few nods to the previous films.
Saw it with my son. We enjoyed it. Lots of fun Dino eating action.
RealMiniDriver wrote:
Is it essential to see the other Jurassic movies, before seeing this one?
Nope, not at all. You might notice and appreciate the scars on the T. rex if you know that she got them from a fight in a previous movie. I'm not sure that this sort of minutia adds much to the spectacle, though.
6/15/15 9:41 p.m.
Minor confession: I have never seen Jurassic Park, let alone any of the sequels.
That didn't stop us from buying the LEGO Jurassic World video game at release on Friday. So far we're about 15% in.
In reply to JoeyM:
It's a movie about cloned dinosaures on a rampage, I can overlook the car stuff.
As for most of the dino issues, these are not authentic dinos, they are geneticly created and moddified for an over glorified zoo. I recall the "Authenticity issue" having been addressed in the original book. That can cover any of those issues short of violating physics.
I loved all the nostalgia. Particularly the control room nerd. It looked like he even had a copy of Ian Malcom's chaos theory book at his work station.
Another high point for me was noticing all the commercialisation and corporate sponsorship and the seeing it lampooned in the next sceen.
neon4891 wrote:
In reply to JoeyM:
It's a movie about cloned dinosaures on a rampage, I can overlook the car stuff.
As for most of the dino issues, these are not authentic dinos, they are geneticly created and moddified for an over glorified zoo. I recall the "Authenticity issue" having been addressed in the original book. That can cover any of those issues short of violating physics.
Don't get me wrong....I liked it, so much so in fact that I will be going back to see it with a friend from high school on the IMAX later this week. I've been looking forward to the movie for many months. I was excited enough about it to have gone with students from our school scuba club, and to have a custom t-shirt made just for the event. (Yes, of course #TeamMosasaur; how else was I going to tie in the detail that it was a scuba club event? I didn't expect much more than the shark eating scene from the trailer.)

Of course, that didn't stop me from having the back of the shirt printed with a more accurate - i.e. less crocodilian - mosasaur than the one in the movie; I may be a fanboy, but I'm also a biology nerd:

I watched it tonight at home, predictable, but good.
JoeyM wrote:
Of course, that didn't stop me from having the back of the shirt printed with a more accurate - i.e. less crocodilian - mosasaur than the one in the movie; I may be a fanboy, but I'm also a biology nerd
The next time one of those miserable "what is 'Grassroots' threads pops up, I'm using this quote. Somehow it perfectly encapsulates everything about what I believe to be the "Grassroots" lifestyle.
Thanks Joey.
I went with my buddies yesterday and caught a 4pm show. It was okay. I probably would've enjoyed it more if it wasn't for the old guy next to me occasionally dozing off and snoring AND the kids behind me kicking my seat AND a baby crying....
Watched it Saturday night with my wife. As said, great popcorn movie with little story. We enjoyed it.
Before watching this we watched all three of the originals on AMC. The first movie is fantastic as I remembered it. The two sequels are gawd awful. Horrible horrible movies.
6/16/15 7:09 a.m.
At the risk of starting another thread where I come in and say they all suck (tFatF anyone?), I have to ask. I've seen the first one and loved the idea. The sequels, I think I saw one and gave up.
Is this "hey let's clone a dinosaur and open a park! It's can't go wrong a 3rd/4th time can it?" Or is there more of an original plot?
Jerry wrote:
At the risk of starting another thread where I come in and say they all suck (tFatF anyone?), I have to ask. I've seen the first one and loved the idea. The sequels, I think I saw one and gave up.
Is this "hey let's clone a dinosaur and open a park! It's can't go wrong a 3rd/4th time can it?" Or is there more of an original plot?
It's more of a "this can't go wrong a 4th time". Kinda related to that topic, how the fluff is InGen still a company? After the first movie they'd have had to pay millions in damages, in the second (20 year old spoiler alert) when the T-Rex gets loose in the city they'd have been sued into oblivion.
6/16/15 7:51 a.m.
In reply to PubBurgers:
But you have to admit it was nice watching the bloodsucking lawyer get eaten in the first.....
This one is a direct sequel to the first, the others were on a different island.
yamaha wrote:
In reply to PubBurgers:
But you have to admit it was nice watching the bloodsucking lawyer get eaten in the first.....
This one is a direct sequel to the first, the others were on a different island.
I'm not faulting the movies, I'm a big fan aside from 3. I was just surprised to see them still using the InGen name.
RealMiniDriver wrote:
Is it essential to see the other Jurassic movies, before seeing this one?
I'd say you should definitely see the 1st one before watching Jurassic World. You won't be confused if you don't, but you will be missing out.
I thought it was a great movie, a worthy successor to the original. Better than JP3 and at least as good as JP2.
Frankly it to me felt almost like they could have totally ignored II & III ever having happened, the only really outright call-backs were to the first (and the movie followed much the same pattern). LOVED the variation on the 'final fight'.
We saw it Sunday at a matinee- SWMBO (the HUGE dinosaur fan) loved it, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It's certainly not high cinema, but it was a good, fun summer movie that was certainly worth the price of admission.