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03Panther UberDork
8/9/22 11:57 p.m.

In reply to AAZCD-Jon (Forum Supporter) :

That's what we do, for the same reason. 
We have a gray kitty that is last of the litter from a stray a few years ago. He was always the most timid. I assume that's why he's still around. He's happy being my barn cat. Hangs out, doesn't mind us living in his world, and gets food every day. Used to let me pet him when he jumped up on porch rail, us coming in or out. And would stop eating to be petted if you came over.


03Panther UberDork
8/9/22 11:59 p.m.

Then this little nut showed up: 

seeing that picture, I didn't notice how much the little fur ball had grown! Didn't notice, since he's under my feet, or climbing me every day!

Anyway, the gray one is very scared of this tiny little thing. Still hangs out in barn and yard, but will not let me get close. 
After a couple weeks, they have started stalking each other. Yellow kitty thinks it's all fun and games. Gray is trying to kill him. 
I've never seen a kitten as young as he was, when obviously dumped, as friendly and as fearless as this thing. He adopted me instantly. Followed me everywhere, and literally climbs all over me. Likes to sit on my shoulder. Sadly, will climb up there if my back is turned, paying attention to what I'm working on. Sometimes from several feet away. Even in shorts. 
This thing is insane. 

03Panther UberDork
8/10/22 12:18 a.m.


he has a couple safe places he sleeps under and around the carport. But this night, I had left my work  pants outside the door when I went in...

I think I have a cat. 

03Panther UberDork
8/10/22 11:39 a.m.

Hey, Doc. What can I tell from the teeth? He still only had a couple on top... the bottoms are about twice the size (or more) as when he got dropped round here! 
Teething on EVERYTHING he can!!! Seems to really like teething on my hand...

XLR99 (Forum Supporter)
XLR99 (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand Dork
8/18/22 7:33 p.m.

I figure I should update about the children my son rescued from work:

We took a trip to my parents' a couple weeks ago.  They have become enbiggened...

They're now about 6lb apiece and look like a cross btw a cat and a greyhound.  Really long legs.  They remembered us after two months and were immediately crawling all over us when we walked in the house.

03Panther UberDork
8/19/22 12:29 a.m.

My yellow stray is really growing. And still nuts. But he's one happy boy. And very sweet, when he's not climbing... well, everything. 

Not teething as bad... I hope he's grown past that!

Karacticus GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
8/19/22 8:48 a.m.

I've got an infestation issue

drsmooth HalfDork
8/19/22 2:58 p.m.

This guy showed up at work today! He came in Hung around for and hour of two had a bite to eat and some water and a nap!  Then just like the Littlest Hobo he was gone on to new adventures!  

drsmooth HalfDork
8/19/22 3:00 p.m.

XLR99 (Forum Supporter)
XLR99 (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand Dork
8/19/22 6:26 p.m.

I love that 2min later he's moved onto your chair

Guess you guys have a shop cat...

drsmooth HalfDork
8/19/22 9:03 p.m.
XLR99 (Forum Supporter) said:

I love that 2min later he's moved onto your chair

Guess you guys have a shop cat...

He waltzed right in like he owned the place! With the staffing shortage if he had opposable thumbs I would have put him to work!! The learning curve may have been steep but he was already friendlier than at least half of my staff!! 

03Panther UberDork
8/19/22 9:17 p.m.

In reply to drsmooth :

You mentioned he moved on. I hope he makes y'all a part of his regular "route"

drsmooth HalfDork
8/19/22 11:40 p.m.
03Panther said:

In reply to drsmooth :

You mentioned he moved on. I hope he makes y'all a part of his regular "route"

I would be glad to be one of his stops!!

Heck If I could give him a permanent home I would! That being said I want to make sure he isn't already claimed. I would feel terrible taking away someone's kitty.. 

03Panther UberDork
8/20/22 9:49 a.m.

In reply to drsmooth :

Shop cats are great to have around. I'm sitting here, instead of getting anything done, watching yellow kitty play with a bug. Fighting it good. But got distracted by his own tail twitching, and chased his tail for a couple circles!!! I've seen dogs do that, but that's the first cat surprise

Keith Tanner
Keith Tanner GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
8/20/22 11:36 a.m.

The only reason there is still non-cat life on earth is because they are so easily distracted. 

Big props to Drsmooth for a Littlest Hobo reference. 

drsmooth HalfDork
8/20/22 1:52 p.m.
Keith Tanner said:

The only reason there is still non-cat life on earth is because they are so easily distracted.

Big props to Drsmooth for a Littlest Hobo reference. 

Loved that show when I was a kid!

A very young Paul Tracy was featured  in a episode about go-karting.

They didn't use his real name but P.Tracy was visible on his helmet...

Floating Doc (Forum Supporter)
Floating Doc (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
8/20/22 3:21 p.m.
03Panther said:

Hey, Doc. What can I tell from the teeth? He still only had a couple on top... the bottoms are about twice the size (or more) as when he got dropped round here! 
Teething on EVERYTHING he can!!! Seems to really like teething on my hand...

I can't tell whether those are his deciduous teeth or adult teeth. 

AAZCD-Jon (Forum Supporter)
AAZCD-Jon (Forum Supporter) SuperDork
8/30/22 11:46 a.m.

Miso is doing great, but not growing much. I think that she may turn out to be the smallest cat I've had. She moves quickly and silently other than the bell that Mrs AAZCD put on her collar. Skippy and her are about even in their play fighting now - she's got moves. Her favorite toy is a ball that she carries everywhere.

I have not seen the other wild cats recently, but there is a new one that waits by the outdoor food bowl in the evenings. I can get no closer than 30 feet. Zoomed in cellphone shot:

My little wild habitat also has a broken wing Goose. It isn't leaving or dying quickly, so I started feeding it (cut fruit and veggies) on my way to put food out for the cats.

I leave the groundhog alone.

SpeedwayFan Reader
8/30/22 11:52 a.m.

Idc if this is a cat thread cuz y'all's cats ain't no where near as cute as my dog

03Panther UberDork
8/30/22 1:45 p.m.

In reply to SpeedwayFan :

There is a dog thread, as well. 
A lot of us have/like both!

drsmooth HalfDork
9/6/22 3:51 p.m.

He's back!!! I found out that his name is Jimmy, he is from a few streets over! He seems to have turned us into a regular stop!

759NRNG UberDork
9/6/22 9:55 p.m.

Had a very similar colored cat ....the markings on his face looked like he'd been drinking milk ..hence the name "GOT  MILK"......and he had a habit of blasting into the kitchen at dinner time  looking all like Kramer from Seinfeld .......wild eyed and tail action on alert .....miss him ALOT

jimbob_racing SuperDork
9/6/22 11:16 p.m.

This is my oldest cat Rosie. We don't know exactly how old she really is but I've had her for 18.5 years and she's always been a tiny cat. When my exwife brought her home as a stray, the vet guessed that she was 6 months old based on her size but shes never gotten any bigger so she'smost likely close to 20 years old.

She's totally deaf now and has some kidney issues but she's still a happy cat. There's a lot more sleeping and a lot less playing but Rosie is still very cuddly and loves attention. Here she is enjoying an appropriately labelled box a few months ago. 

03Panther PowerDork
9/6/22 11:26 p.m.

In reply to drsmooth :

Glad to hear that "Jimmy" came back around. Hopefully he has adopted y'all for good. Also good that ya found a bit about him. Thanks for the update. 

ShawnG MegaDork
9/10/22 10:04 p.m.

Our farm house has mice. It's old, just a fact of life when you live in a 50 year old house in the middle of grain fields.

So, we added a couple basement cats to help with mouse control. 

Say hi to Morris:

And Basement Cat 2 ( wife hasn't picked a name yet):

Basement Cat 2 has thumbs on all four paws.

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