5/16/10 6:08 p.m.
from another forum i frequent, cliffs: guy spends two years restoring his 944 turbo, and gets hit (and attempted run) by a drunk shortly after putting it back on the road. luckily some people were there to help him out.
Good thing it was just a 944!
E36 M3ty story.
5/16/10 6:28 p.m.
wow that totally sucks.. cool thing that the people went after and caught the dirt bag who clobbered him.
another reason to love the 92X series, one of the safest cars you can get.
They were originally designed (according to Porsche factory literature) to withstand a 55mph impact from any angle. The US. the anticipated regulations never went through (probably due to heavy lobbying from the US auto industry) and Porsche maintained the same spec for all the subsequent models right through the 968 .
My 87 924S was literally run over by a cherokee, tire marks on the hood even. shaken, but not stirred, my niece who was driving suffered no injuries at all, except worrying about how i would react when i found out. wasn't her fault, and after the insurance company totaled it, they sold it back to me for $1 as part of the settlement. i swapped all the good late model stuff from it to my 82, and sold it for what i originally paid for it. the buyer replaced a hose and drove it, crushed nose and everything, from long island to Chicago with out issue...
im completely depressed by this
What an awful story, although this part was pretty awesome:
At this point, the WRX-STI that was next to me at the light pulled a J-Turn and went after him along with the Chrysler 300 that stopped to ask me. I (in a flash of good thinking) turned off the fuel pump and started RUNNING down San Tomas Expwy after them.
They boxed him in at the next light, where I caught up to and jumped into the back seat of the WRX - they forced him into the Starbucks parking lot at Camden and Curtner... Where a SC County Sheriff K9 unit happened to be taking a siesta. By the time I was out of the car, the guy who had hit me was already in handcuffs.
I was picturing a James Bond style car chase for that part...
Thanks for posting that, I need a Fuchs wheel.
Sad that a 944 got munched. Good to see they do a good job of protecting the occupants.
5/16/10 11:34 p.m.
Absolutely, utterly heartbreaking. Just awful. 
5/17/10 7:32 a.m.
If I ever get ran over by a drunk SUV driver I hope the witnesses chase down and trap the offender too.
TJ wrote:
If I ever get ran over by a drunk SUV driver I hope the witnesses chase down and trap the offender too.
Before I catch up to them. I might go Bernard Goetz on the driver.
I can vouch for the 944 tub strength. Mine was parked in front of my office when a kid joy riding in moms van lost control and shoved mine through the building. It ended up in my office next to my desk. The front end was bent up a bit and it was scratched pretty good, but no glass was broken and the doors would open fine. I drove it out, but the insurance co. totalled it. It gave up it's heart to other cars though, so it lives in a sense.
Oh, and the kid drove away side caved in and all. A co-worker got his license number and we turned it over the police, but the kid's dad found out and made him come back. I think he paid for my car and the building out of his own pocket. The were Katrina refugees at the time so I really felt for the guy, but I loved that car!
That kid's lucky to have a good father.
5/17/10 8:52 a.m.
We totaled my 87 944 Turbo.........well a semi truck actually did it for us.
The car was in excellent condition until a semi clipped my rear quarter changing lanes and spun us into the concrete divider. It was a very strange feeling looking out my left window and seeing nothing but the grill and bumper of the semi. The entire driver's side was damaged and the rear was just smashed. The passenger side rear frame rail was a mess, but the doors still opened and shut fine and neither of us had a scratch. I bought the car back from the insurance company, aired the tires up, and drove her home. I tried to fix it and the quarters didn't turn out as well as I would have liked, so sanded the paint off and am back at it. Hopefully better this time. Anyway the 944 is a very tough car.
BTW no one has mentioned it yet, but it looks like the Colorado took the hit very well.
i just realized this happened only a few miles from my house. ive eaten at the jack in the box right there at camden and 17 a couple of times, ha! rip 944
definatly seals the deal that the next car I buy is a 944
5/17/10 10:13 a.m.
Sucks it happened. Cool what the bystanders did. Didn't realize how tough a 944 is. I may need one.
5/17/10 12:37 p.m.
I've been wanting a 944 toy for a while. There's a cosmetically very good but not perfect '88 924S on the local Craigslist for $1500 asking price that supposedly runs well and has a recent clutch replacement, but can't be started because of a dead battery and can't be driven because the shifter linkage got disconnected somehow under the center console. I was born at night but I wasn't born last night... I'm guessing the timing belt snapped and took out the head, and the trans is toast too. I may call and go look with a jump box and see if it starts and runs, and see what kind of records it has, and if it's not a total turd drop a lowball offer on him. It's been for sale about a month now. Not as pretty as a 944 IMHO but lighter with the same running gear has benefits, right?
Man, two years worth of work. Heartbreaking. At least they caught the guy.
wow, terrible story, good to hear he is ok.
The part I like is that the PO of the 944 is an attorney described as "very protective" of his former (now EXTREMELY former) car. "Revenge of the Pit Bull: This Time, It's Personal."
After looking at the pics in that thread I'm still trying to figure out what he spent 2 years restoring. There looks to be some pretty good rust in the front wheel well and the wheels could use a bit 'o paint. Undercoating would help too.
Sucks the crash happened and glad he's okay but I'm just saying.
Wow....the resolution of the story - perp surrounded/stopped by other sports cars - sounds too good to be true.
5/17/10 7:19 p.m.

what rust do you see? all i see is peeled off paint and paint transfer on the wheel.