Well we just found out today. The baby is going to be a boy!
Now comes the trick of picking a name we can agree on. Well technically we had then her sister stole the name. We were not happy.
Oh also she has agreed to a car themed nursery. She even found a color she likes called "piston cup blue".
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt
I like Ayrton but no one would say it or spell it right and I know how annoying that is myself. A buddy from work suggested Wolfgang lol
She actually suggested Paul as we are both fans of his and the baby was conceived right around when he died. Problem is there are already a bunch of Paul's in my family.
Sebastian (Vettel, Loeb, Bourdaise)
We've already determined that our son (assuming we have one) is going to be named Stirling.
Call him Zero
He will never disappoint you.
rebelgtp wrote:
She actually suggested Paul as we are both fans of his and the baby was conceived right around when he died. Problem is there are already a bunch of Paul's in my family.
Sounds like Paul is a strong family name. No one's going to have trouble spelling it either. That makes it a winner in my book.
Congrats dude!
20 years ago my wife was pregnant with what was going to be our first. Had the names all picked out and everything. She had a miscarriage. A couple years later her sister gets pregnant and during a conversation about baby names we tell her what our choices were. Bear in mind we were actively trying to have a child. Fertility doctors were involved. Wife's sister decides its perfectly acceptable to use the name we had picked out for a girl, and her reasoning was we could still use the same name.. no problem ... right? Even her husband was pissed when he found out it was the name we had picked out, and wasn't just a name his wife had come up with. I was so mad I went shopping for the ugliest dog I could find just to name it our chosen baby name. Wife stopped me after I found one of those ugly almost hairless chupacabra looking things. Two kids later I have two beautiful straight A overachieving daughters. My sister in law has a tattooed, face pierced, dyed black hair problem child. Karma rocks. Still want that dog, but now I want to name it after my SIL.
I had a friend who called his kid Thor. Wasn't his legal name, but I always thought that was neat.
Congrats, since it's a boy you've pushed at least some stress back on other fathers having girls.
5/24/14 6:47 a.m.
I wanted to name my son Connor but the wife vetoed. I named my daughter, our oldest, Lily so she named the boy. Seems fair.
How about:
August (I've always liked that one.)
Donovan (Celtic = strong fighter)
New Reader
5/24/14 7:37 a.m.
I tried to talk a coworker into Dario.
Her husband liked Indy car. She may have been humoring me, but I think they considered it. They went with Nick.
New Reader
5/24/14 7:41 a.m.
tr8todd wrote:
20 years ago my wife was pregnant with what was going to be our first. Had the names all picked out and everything. She had a miscarriage. A couple years later her sister gets pregnant and during a conversation about baby names we tell her what our choices were. Bear in mind we were actively trying to have a child. Fertility doctors were involved. Wife's sister decides its perfectly acceptable to use the name we had picked out for a girl, and her reasoning was we could still use the same name.. no problem ... right? Even her husband was pissed when he found out it was the name we had picked out, and wasn't just a name his wife had come up with. I was so mad I went shopping for the ugliest dog I could find just to name it our chosen baby name. Wife stopped me after I found one of those ugly almost hairless chupacabra looking things. Two kids later I have two beautiful straight A overachieving daughters. My sister in law has a tattooed, face pierced, dyed black hair problem child. Karma rocks. Still want that dog, but now I want to name it after my SIL.
Given the type of person that would do this to her sister under those circumstances... that child never had a chance.
Problem with naming your kid Thor is that 9 times out of 10 he looks like a Eugene.
Congrats Rebel!
In reply to rebelgtp:
His name is Daniel Graham Rebelgtp.
Congratulations to you and your wife.
I tried to convince her of the middle name Danger but was vetoed. Kid would have won so many bets when he was older.
Tr8todd that actually sounds like my wife's sister and how her kids are turning out all 5 of them from different guys.
When I told my buddy about the car theme for the nursery he is now on the hunt for a die cast of my Charger. I need to think of some other car and racing related decorating ideas for the room. She wants to go more real stuff not Disney. I am cool with that.
Anyway time for a road trip to civilization.