Well I just got a job offer. Basically it is a company that works with the local cable company selling their products. Not my first choice of jobs especially being strictly commission. However it would get my by until I find out for sure about the Emergency Dispatch job and after that it sound like I could work it on the side if I want. Basically no set hours or schedule and I would only get paid for the services I sold. The rate is not terrible considering the low amount they paid me back when I actually worked for the cable company and sold services then.
I go in an meet with them on Thursday to talk about things. Here shortly if I work things right I could get a good amount of cash with the college kids coming back into town.
In reply to Cone_Junky:
Exactly what I was figuring and if I can manage to work it in a few hours around the other job to build up a good safety net all the better. It would also mean getting the gun business off the ground quite a bit faster.
Being in sales and dealing with coworkers who have done stuff like that, is how long it would take you to get into the field and selling. It seems like you have already worked for the parent company before and know the product, so that's good, but 100% commission can be tough when it takes a month to do all of their training.
Actually I worked for their biggest national competitor 
I know I will tell them I need free cable and internet service so that I can be better prepared for answering questions from customers.