11/5/12 6:31 p.m.
In another thread this was posted:
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
A friend makes something called a Turducken which is apparently several delicious birds all stuffed up each other's asses like russian nesting dolls along with bacon and some other things. I have yet to see it in the flesh but how bad can it be?
While I didn't want to bump that thread to the top, I felt this single post is soo full of win that it had to be seen by the masses.
GPS, your word-painting here was superb.
I had kind of a crappy day, this just made it alright. Please ask said friend to provide pics.

Turducken is tasty. I grew up next door to a surgeon that made them. He also debones fish, stuffs them, sews them up and cooks them.
11/6/12 10:19 a.m.
You can buy them pre-stuffed in grocery stores at Thanksgiving and Christmas.
My sisters have been bugging me to make this, looks like this is the year I try it. Can't say I'm looking forward to it, I hate experimenting on turkey day.
11/6/12 11:05 a.m.
with an egg in the middle.
Lesley wrote:
You can buy them pre-stuffed in grocery stores at Thanksgiving and Christmas.
I will absolutely inquire. I have to go reload the fridge tonight!
I really want to try that, but it looks rather unappetizing.
11/6/12 11:31 a.m.
I've seen them at the store but never purchased one. I have done the italian ground sausage wrapped in turkey breast wrapped in a woven mat of bacon. That was fun.
RossD wrote:
I've seen them at the store but never purchased one. I have done the italian ground sausage wrapped in turkey breast wrapped in a woven mat of bacon. That was fun.
Have never heard of this miracle meat concoction 
Must have
I have had one, and it was pretty good. But, I felt a little dirty afterward, and for some reason, couldnt look my grandmother in the eye anymore.