After months of putting up with constant freezing from a completely incurable shockwave flash issue on Firefox. It was really bad with youtube in particular. And any page that had embedded youtube videos. I finally had enough and jumped ship. I tried every fix that was suggested and nothing worked.
Anyway, I know nothing about Chrome. Is there anything I need to know?
Seems to just work for me, both the OS and the windows version of the browser. Some claim it's a ram hog, though I've not noticed that. Given my windows machine has 12gb and is more or less a torrent box and media server right now, that I mostly access remotely, so it has 5 tabs open, max. If you're one of those people who have 100 tabs open for whatever reason, your milage may vary.
Nope, usually just here and craigslist.
Chrome is a program (or app). It works most of the time just fine. Personally, I keep several browsers on the various machines because sometimes one works better than another on a given page.
recently (last 3 month constant) chrome has been buggy. Chrome is auto updated from google without your knowledge. On my system it doesn't seem to like the changes.
Before then I only had one similar issue.
I still do most my browsing on Chrome but I keep a fresh install of firefox for the few websites that Chrome just refuses to play nice with.
It bundles Flash. You might as well uninstall Flash. If you go back to Firefox, it'll prompt you to reinstall, and there is no reason to keep the standalone version around to get out of date and vulnerable.
Chrome does provide a solid browser, but I don't know that I trust them as an organization as much as I trust the Mozilla Foundation.
I loved firefox, especially the browser add-ins. Now its all gone to E36 M3 and I use chrome, which is handy since everything is all interconnected by the Googles (they can own my soul, its cool).
I don't like it when my searches at home on chrome show up on my work chrome browser though when I am logged in 

3/19/15 10:07 a.m.
Kenny_McCormic wrote:
Some claim it's a ram hog
I thought the whole point of Chrome was that it was fast and lightweight?
Oh, and Adobe = Monsanto of the computer world.
I use chrome on the work computer and also at home. whats nice is that without doing anything all my bookmarks show up on both computers. Thanks, big brother. 
I just started with it the other day. As a shining example of government thinking we've been told some of our programs only run on Internet Explorer, our bus tracking only works on Firefox on a desktop, and Chrome on a iPad
Yeah, but Chrome on the iPad uses the underlying Safari rendering engine just for added confusion
Chrome is faster than IE but at something of a price, some reports say it's not as secure as IE and that's why some payment systems won't work with it. I run it and IE both for that reason. I have had problems getting YouTube videos to work, I finally found the fix after Googling the hell out of it, there's something you have to manually set. Anyway I set it and now all is well. Come to think of it, Chrome pitches a fit about Shockwave Flash still and sometimes will tell me I have to install Java when I already have it. I gave up on fixing that.
Oh, and Chrome won't run on a Kindle Fire. Jeff Bezos can kiss my ass.
In reply to HiTempguy:
That's what CTRL-SHIFT-N is for.
Curmudgeon wrote:
Oh, and Chrome won't run on a Kindle Fire. Jeff Bezos can kiss my ass.
You could be just as cross with Eric Schmidt. Google only publishes their stuff in the Google Play store, and only makes that available through devices they authorize. They could publish on Amazon, or release an APK whenever they want. It'd probably run just fine once you actually got it in the Kindle.
I know I'm old and stupid, but I've never encountered a situation where IE didn't work just as well as the others, and I've got kids who insist on installing something different on every computer they encounter.
I can't stand IE, never have liked it.
Get ublock (fork of adblock+ which has also gone to hell) and whitelist your favorite websites to ensure they get ad revenue.
You also have the option with chrome to not sign into it which I prefer to do. Just sign out and hit the little bitty no thanks if it prompts you again.
Duke wrote:
Kenny_McCormic wrote:
Some claim it's a ram hog
I thought the whole point of Chrome was that it was fast and lightweight?
It is, but for stability reasons it runs each tab as it's own process, tons of tabs will load things down.
Well that didn't last long. Graefin10 over in the sprocket forums mention owning a Yamaha XV250. I was curious as to what that looked like so I did a Google image search, I found an interesting picture of one with a sporty looking windshield on it and clicked on the link. Immediately the old "NSA has locked down your computer because of porn" scam malware bug thing completely locked up my computer. I've spent all night getting it back and immediately did an uninstall and fresh install of Firefox. I've tried to uninstall Chrome but it keep saying I have an open window, if I do I can't find it. I guess I'll just keep putting up with taking 5 minutes to watch a 30 second youtube video, I'd rather deal with that than what I went through tonight.
That's not a chrome problem, that's a malware and lack of protection problem. What sort of anti-virus/anti-malware software are you running?
In reply to fox-trapper:
Agv and I run malware bytes occasionally. I have never had that issue once with Firefox, one day with chrome and it happens. It may not be the browser but it's too much of a coincidence for me.
You are probably going to have to restart in Safe mode then turn malwarebytes loose to get rid of that NSA/porn thing. Until that happens, probably no browser will work; they'll be busy trying to rassle that thing.
BTW, disabling Java Scripting in any browser goes a long way to preventing that sort of nonsense. FrieFox had some great add-ons to allow you to selectively block and white-list Java scripts on pages you visit to avoid some of that nonsense. That combined with an Ad-block add-on you don't hardly get nearly the issues you used to as long as you're willing to deal with having to enable the scripts one at a time until the site you're using works.
That said, you can at least play a fun T-rex jumping game with Chrome when you're disconnected from the network:
Take a look at CCleaner for helping to remove the bits and pieces of trash and to control what gets turned on or not. Speaking purely for myself, I've found this program to work very well at controlling the programs living on my computer.
Don't forget your firewall. The builtin Microsoft one isn't the greatest, but it's free and reasonably effective. Same their own anti-malware software.
Watch your updates too. I don't know why, but many of the computers I play with do not do all the automatic Microsoft updates, even if you have the machine set to do so automatically. This can include critical updates as well. Sometimes the automatic updates work, but many times they do not. So go into the settings and manually check their status.
Curmudgeon wrote:
You are probably going to have to restart in Safe mode then turn malwarebytes loose to get rid of that NSA/porn thing. Until that happens, probably no browser will work; they'll be busy trying to rassle that thing.
That is exactly what I spent last night doing. Then I followed it up with hitmanpro which found 16 other tracking things. I've tried to uninstall chrome but it says there is a window open that I have to close, which I am unable to find.