Need a radiator overflow tank and windshield washer bottle for a '81 Chevy PU project. Originals are MIA. Catalog images (like LMC) are iffy and expensive buying one part atta time. Universal may be an answer too but again buying sight unseen.
There's a vertical flat surface on the inside of both front fenders above the inner fenders, can fit a bottle around 6" tall, plenty of room for width, preferably w/ a flat vertical back for mounting.
Planning a trip to the JY, anything to be on the lookout for as described to shorten the search?
I used a 1 liter soda bottle as a radiator overflow in my torino. 
I made one from an aluminum sports bottle and some bits and pieces from Tractor Supply. Sprayed it black and mounted it on the side of the radiator support in my Camaro.
Try a Dorman 603-001. It's a universal tank that's about 6" high ( 7" if you count the cap).
hell, you could use the same tank for the washer fluid, just track down a universal inline washer pump for it. Or just find an 80's Ford, they have the washer tank and overflow tank built into one complete unit.
Hit the old PnP this morning. It was closed for a year but just re-opened under new ownership... and geezus was it ever picked over. E36 M3loads of 90's Ford PUs, only a few Chevy PUs, somewhat decent looking Midget and an AMC Eagle wagon were the only vehicles of interest. This yard ain't even a quarter of what it used to be.
Picked a rad overflow tank from earlier S-10 Blazer. I remember now where the '81 Chevy tank was mounted, right where I mounted the electric fan relay. This Blazer tank will work fine mounted above the inner fender.
Did find an '80s Chevy PU washer bottle. I have a new wiper motor and pump unit plus an auxiliary pump if ever needed. This bottle will work fine.
Plus miscellaneous parts it was a $15 pick.
Beautiful fall day to be back in the yard again. I still miss the old yard.