7/21/11 12:02 p.m.
Was just sitting outside having a smoke, enjoying a pleasant summer rain, when lightning hit quite close by. No more than a few hundred yards, if that far. Since we have taken two hits in a month that took out our cable, quickly checked to see if any damage. Nope, lucky this time. We seem to have been having quite a bit of lightning this year. Any body else having this? Yes, I'm in Florida, lightning capital of the US.
there have been several good electrical storms in SW Ohio this year. I dug some fused silica out of the ground as a child the day after lightening struck the swingset and went into the ground through our sandbox...that was pretty sweet!
It was a warning to lay off the smokes 
Back in the 70s my mother worked at a site where they were building a textile plant. At knock off time, a construction worker was running to his car in an on-coming rain storm. He stopped to light up a smoke and zap, got hit by lightning. That's one instance where one ciggie did kill someone.
Couple of weeks ago I was tending my garden. I had blue sky was overhead, but a storm was building to the west. I was looking down at the ground and all of suddne the ground lt up and I heard a big crack at the same time. I almost crapped my pants. Funny thing was the thunder crack kept going and going.
It's been quiet this year, so far. About 5 years ago, the house we were living in had a lightning strike. The bolt landed less than 5' from the side of the house. It hit where the underground electrical lines came in. Caused about $3000 in damage. Fried a ton of outlets, the ceiling fan, TVs, etc... It was freaky, I was actually driving home from work and was just pulling up to our street when it hit, so I saw it come down.
Had one hit somewhere in the neighborhood this Spring when we were actually getting rain.
Only thing it killed was the cable modem.
I always park on the top of the parking garage at work (beats trying to find my car.. and the steps help keep me in shape). Couple of years ago a storm was justing hitting as I was heading across the roof of the parking garage when all the hair on my body stood on end. I dropped and got as low as I could... car 20 feet from me took a hit that scorched the paint on the hood..
And yes.. that thunder seems to roll on and on and on when it is that close