To be even more fair, Ken has had much less to do with DC recently. He sold his share of the company back before he started rallying, and he's merely working with them as a "consultant" these days. I don't believe he has designed anything aside from pick a few colors here and there for about 5 years.
Awful shoes? Not if you skate or ride BMX. They're perfectly functional for the purposes they were designed for - action sports. If youre going to place blame for DC shoes supposed coolness, place it on the popped collar fratdouches that think theyre cool, but arent really sure why...
Maybe he doesnt win a lot of WRC, but he'd drive circles around the weekend warriors here that are more armchair quarterback than legitimate driver.
haters gonna hate
1/11/13 9:13 a.m.
Place me in the "like him" crowd (although the Sthap thing is funny). There was a neat Bill Caswell op-ed about how more Americans have walked on the moon than earned points in the WRC. Ken Block has earned points in the WRC.
He may wreck, but I haven't seen a video or heard of a tantrum or any other obnoxious behaviors that seem to be perpetrated by professional drivers at that level. He always seems like he actually enjoying himself, until the crash anyway.
Maroon92 wrote:
To be even more fair, Ken has had much less to do with DC recently. He sold his share of the company back before he started rallying, and he's merely working with them as a "consultant" these days. I don't believe he has designed anything aside from pick a few colors here and there for about 5 years.
In that case someone else had their head up their ass in the area of style and pricing.
Then again I wear a keffiyeh and a fedora with a leather sport bike jacket while I don't own a bike.
1/11/13 10:13 a.m.
Yeah, I don't get the hate either. His vids make me smile.
To me, his videos scream "Hey everybody, look how awesome I am." I don't care much for that.
I wasn't impressed with him until he got to WRC. And I've gained a lot of respect for him since - he hasn't won anything, but he's completely realistic about his abilities and does not talk crap. There's no ego on display. When he said he was aiming for a top-10 finish (Mexico?) and came in 10th, I cheered.
I don't buy DC clothes, but I do enjoy the videos. He's not necessarily the best driver in the world, but definitely skilled. More importantly, he's better than I am and he's doing what I wish I could do. If I were in his position, I hope I would do as well.
I enjoy watching the videos. If I had the money and time I'd film something like that myself.
Like a "Hey y'all, watch this," that doesn't end in disaster.
There was a cool vid put out a couple of years ago following him through the week of a rally, I forget which one. What really impressed me, more than the getting up at 4:00am, more than the 12-14 hours of recce, more than the PR work he did, more then 18-20 hour days, more than the driving, was the fittness work he was cramming in between food, work, PR etc etc. HE was with his trainer several times a day, doing htings that I can only dream of like jumping up and down on a yoga ball while catching and throwing a basket ball back and forth. That alone proved he takes it very very seriously and works like hell at it. I don't care where he finishes, he's got there on his own money and talent (PR, design and driving). Good for him.
Oh, he definitely had skill and some cool videos, but I'm just whining about the clothing products he sells.
1/11/13 12:33 p.m.
i saw a video interview with travis pastrana shortly after he made the move to rally and had some spectacular crashes. he said something like, "i've been racing my whole career with no seatbelts, no cage or car around me, so being in the rally car i feel like i'm invincible, there is no fear of wrecking the car and getting hurt making me slow down, so i tend to take some risks that most other people wouldn't normally in a rally car."
Found this on another GRM post:

I actually got to talk with Ken Block and Brian Deegan at a GRC event at New Hampshire last year. It was a corporate meet and greet thingy, but both of them couldn't have been more down-to-earth guys. That's the thing- Ken has gobs of money, and he's just doing what he loves. I'd be doing the same damn thing every day if I were him too. His whole train of thought is- I don't care if I'm not the best, this crap is damn fun!
In reply to golfduke:
Yea, I'd be the same way. I'd also sell E36 M3 I didn't like and wear a flat brimmed hat ifv it made me money. Really. Small price to pay for big money.
1/11/13 1:17 p.m.
I've heard the same things from others in the rally community - he's well thought of.
It never ceases to amaze me how a bunch of dudes can sound like a pack of teenage mall vaginas. "...and seriously, what's up with his hat? And the shoes?" Stop with the jealousy and the fashion tips. Three thirds of you woke up this morning and squeezed your fat ass into a greasy T shirt that someone gave you.
Excuse me, I'm not fat and my shirt... OK. its a little greasy.
Zomby Woof wrote:
To me, his videos scream "Hey everybody, look how awesome I am." I don't care much for that.
So, what, he's not supposed to make videos of cool stuff? I don't get this reaction to his videos at all. Yes, they're goofy and over produced but that's the point of them.
I don't feel like his videos are any more "look how awesome I am" than any other car dude videoing himself doing stupid stuff with their car. If I make a video of myself making a lame lap of Summit Point or spinning off track at Gingerman, am I trying to say how awesome I am? No, I'm hoping other people will enjoy it.
Speaking of which I need to edit some video of my spin at Gingerman. It's only been eight months.
p.s. Poopy, I'm not fat and my t-shirt cost me $5!!! On sale at Old Navy!!
1/11/13 1:41 p.m.
I like Ken Block, but those shoes are berkeleying ugly.
Lesley wrote:
I like Ken Block, but those shoes are berkeleying ugly.
You're a chick. You're supposed to talk about clothes and crap. Carry on.
This morning I squeezed my corpulent self into a clean company supplied polo and a pair of khakis, thankyaverramuch. 
Lesley's right, dayumn those shoes are uggy. But that's what all the cool kids (tm) want.
N Sperlo wrote:
and a fedora
Yep, the question of what you think is style just went out the window 
1/11/13 1:56 p.m.
poopshovel wrote:
Lesley wrote:
I like Ken Block, but those shoes are berkeleying ugly.
You're a chick. You're supposed to talk about clothes and crap. Carry on.
Hah! You think so? My friends think I'm missing a gene or something because I despise clothes shopping: