Well, it appears Kevin and his wife are seperated by a few less than 6 degrees,
they're cousins!
Well, it appears Kevin and his wife are seperated by a few less than 6 degrees,
they're cousins!
They've been married for 23 years and have 2 kids. Unless they knew they were distant cousins back then, at this point, who cares?
And if they are cousins, they are probably 100 times removed or something stupid.
The media will probably draw this out for the next two months.
Yeah, I know it's not a big deal, but kinda funny with the 6-degrees of separation thing. I also think we've all thought about how you would feel if you found out that your spouse and you were distant cousins down the road.
DrBoost wrote: Yeah, I know it's not a big deal, but kinda funny with the 6-degrees of separation thing. I also think we've all thought about how you would feel if you found out that your spouse and you were distant cousins down the road.
My parents are big in to researching family history. I have found that if you go back in time you are related to a massive number of people. If you are grew up in a small town, there is a massive chance you are related to 90% of the town.
If you are grew up in a small town, there is a massive chance you are related to 90% of the town.
Agreed. I grew up in a small town and just about everyone was 1st, 2nd or 3rd cousins. Re: Kevin B, depends on how distant they are, California allows 1st cousins to marry. If the researcher found they are 5th or later cousins then he is just doing it for publicity since we're all just about that level of cousins.
See: http://www.ncsl.org/issues-research/human-services/state-laws-regarding-marriages-between-first-cousi.aspx
93EXCivic wrote:DrBoost wrote: Yeah, I know it's not a big deal, but kinda funny with the 6-degrees of separation thing. I also think we've all thought about how you would feel if you found out that your spouse and you were distant cousins down the road.My parents are big in to researching family history. I have found that if you go back in time you are related to a massive number of people. If you are grew up in a small town, there is a massive chance you are related to 90% of the town.
My girlfriend and I had been dating for about 6 months when we figured out there was a chance we were related. Did a little research, and sure enough, we have a common ancestor. Had to go back nearly 400 years though.
DrBoost wrote: Well, it appears Kevin and his wife are seperated by a few less than 6 degrees, they're cousins!
It's hard to tell from the article - they could be separated by 6 ancestors...
mtn wrote: My girlfriend and I had been dating for about 6 months when we figured out there was a chance we were related. Did a little research, and sure enough, we have a common ancestor. Had to go back nearly 400 years though.
How does that one scene from Joe Dirt go?
I believe I heard something recently that it actually isn't all that genetically dangerous for cousins to procreate (not sure if it was 1st or second). Probably less then ideal though.
Also if you go back 11 generations theoretically everyone on the planet is related twice!
aircooled wrote: I believe I heard something recently that it actually isn't all that genetically dangerous for cousins to procreate (not sure if it was 1st or second). Probably less then ideal though. Also if you go back 11 generations theoretically everyone on the planet is related twice!![]()
I would love to see how far back I would have to go to be related to my wife.
My parents met at a family function, my cousin Amy's christening. Aunt Rose(my mother's adopted sister/biological cousin) was married to my late Uncle Robert(my father's half cousin).
Have to go back a long way to find any relation to my wife and I. She's Asian and I'm not. I do have some Native American in me so that might be where it would be linked........a lo-o-o-ong time ago, like eons.
wlkelley3 wrote: Have to go back a long way to find any relation to my wife and I. She's Asian and I'm not. I do have some Native American in me so that might be where it would be linked........a lo-o-o-ong time ago, like eons.
I think we're all related to a common ancestor "eons" ago. It probably lived in a pond and wasn't into that whole newfangled "multicellular" movement. (Note: eons are a geological term on the order of a billion years (although every eon is a different length), and I'm being a pedant because it's what I do.)
Current scientific thinking puts our most recent common female ancestor at around 200 000 years ago, and a common male ancestor 50 000 years ago (I read that on Cracked so I know it's true.) That's direct descendence for everyone on earth. If you start delineating xth-cousins and half-siblings the whole spectrum closes up real quick.
Sounds like our common female ancestor was a bit of a cougar - 150 000 years is a pretty big age difference.
In reply to Jay: That is why I used the term "eons". If I remember right it is speculated that the forerunner ancester to Native Americans came from Asia and crossed the Bering Strait and migrated south and that supposedly was around the time of dinosaurs. So how long is that? OK maybe a slight exacerbation, whats a couple hundred thousand years.
I think it is more than 6-degrees.
FDR and his wife were Fifth Cousins (Once Removed). Eleanor was Theodore Roosevelt's Neice. If I recall right.
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