Well I woke up this morning feeling fine. On my way into work, when I was about 5 minutes from work, I all of a sudden started to have a dull pain in my side. It became incredibly painful to drive. I got to the office, ran inside having the sensation to urinate, but there was no urine. I ended up throwing up.
I went to go find my supervisor, but he wasn't in yet, so I spoke to the morning on-call sup and told him what was going on. He said to go ahead and go home for the day. I left the office, got about a 1/4 mile away, realized it was still extremely painful to drive, so I turned around and went back to the office. Told the sup that there was no way I could drive and he said to leave my van there and he would find someone to drive me home.
He went to tell one of his managers and they came to confirm with me that I didn't get injured on the job. It sucks having to explain everything twice when you're in pain.
Found a guy that was out of quota work to drive me home. The ride was agonizing. I had to make him pull over to throw up again.
Finally got home and I was in twice the pain that I was an hour before. My wife was freaking out because she herself wasn't feeling good and didn't know what to do. After being home for an hour and the pain getting increasingly worse, I told her to call 911 and get me an ambulance because there was no way I was riding in the truck to the hospital.
Paramedics came and said immediately that it sounded like I had a kidney stone. It was my first time in an ambulance, so now that I have that under my belt, I will try not to ride in one again. 
Anyways, had a CT scan at the hospital and I ended up having a kidney stone. Doctor told me it was a 4mm stone and it's small enough to pass. I have heard from other people that it sucks passing a stone, so I'm not looking forward to it.
I got my pain meds and so now I wait. 
4/12/13 9:31 p.m.
Wife is a chronic sufferer. She passes them while we're out to lunch. I've seen first hand what the pain can do when it gets too unbearable for her, and she's passed them literally 100's of times. From what she tells me it is indeed worse than childbirth (we've done the kid thing for the comparo). From what else she tells me, it's nearly life changing when you do finally pass whatever it is that needs to come out. It's a bitch... but pop some percocet, go to sleep, and wait. It's gonna suck.
I've heard a kidney stone attack likened to getting hit in the kidney with a bat. I hope you feel better soon!
Maybe laughter will help?
The urologists here also prescribe tamsulosin,normally used for BHP. It may help you pass the stone quicker or easier.
You will have a whole new appreciation for how big 4mm is shortly. Medicate profusely.
Been there, done that, 100s of times. They are far more painful while in the kidney. Once it gets to the bladder it will be much better. Still sucks, but better. This will be the only time on your life that you'll wish you had a shorter pecker 
Spoolpigeon wrote:
Been there, done that, 100s of times. They are far more painful while in the kidney. Once it gets to the bladder it will be much better. Still sucks, but better. This will be the only time on your life that you'll wish you had a shorter pecker
Definitely, the kidney is the worst ... After that its not as bad. I had to have someone take me to the emergency and they put me on dilaudid.
Once it was in the bladder the stone did not show up for another month ... I went to the bathroom and heard a noise while in the urinal, it was the stone ... No pain at all. Mine was 5mm. J
Isn't there some sort of ultrasonic technique that could destroy the stone? Always amazes me that in this day and age, there isn't a better way to take care of this...
Hope you feel better!
There is a process but from what I understand, they only do it if the stone is too big to pass on it's own.
I'm glad I drink lots of coffee..
They can zap 'em w/ lasers
My uncle just had the procedure done back in Jan.
My wife deals with em fairly regularly. Pound the water man, flood it out. They suck from what I have seen.
I had 'em when I was 8.
They explained what they were going to do to me, though process as you are PUTTING something IN THERE? NO SIR!
I wasn't quite down with that. They gave me all the anesthesia they could for my paltry body weight and it wouldn't knock me out. They had to hold me down with the help of 4 nurses.
When they were finished, they told me I could pee. I told them I couldn't, because I was still in bed. They said just do it. I pissed on the doctor.
They wheels me into the room and I slept for more than 24 hours.
I've not had any in the 25 years since, thanks to the copious amounts of Dr Pepper I drink:
In reply to m4ff3w:
That's interesting, because they told me to lay off the pop (soda) and drink only water until it passes.
Went through kidney stones for the first and hopefully last time a few weeks ago. Don't be a hero, take the pain meds.
ouch man! hope you feel better soon rob!
And it's out! It still amazes me that something that small caused so much pain. 
I'm gonna keep hydrating and taking the meds for another 24 hours, just to be safe.
Oh those little bastards HURT. I keep my kidneys flooded with water and beer because I do NOT want that to happen ever again.
I sympathize as they sound like they hurt like a bastard, but I had to grin reading this as I remembered the episode of "Hill Street Blues"...