The woman, 61, was walking her dog in a field off Pant Tawel Lane in Radyr, Cardiff, when the incident happened.
The man said the area was very popular with dog walkers but at this time of year, cattle are naturally protective of their calves.
what an aweful way to die
Growing up in the States, it seems quite bizarre just cutting through any old field. Over here one faces more threats from the owners than the cows.
Patrick McManus - the guy who used to write the humor column for outdoor life - described a new species, Bovis horribilis, the mean cow.....they were indistinguishable from normal cows until you tried crossing their field to fish on the creek that ran through it...
My father majored in Animal husbandtry and was a livestock buyer for many years. The only bovine that got the best of him was a heifer that ran him up unto the hood of his car.
MitchellC wrote:
Growing up in the States, it seems quite bizarre just cutting through any old field. Over here one faces more threats from the owners than the cows.
That is one thing I always enjoyed about when we visited England you can just walk through fields and they have little step things to built to climb over.
I guess she should have mooooooved out of the way.

To trespass is human, to retaliate is Bovine?
MitchellC wrote:
Growing up in the States, it seems quite bizarre just cutting through any old field. Over here one faces more threats from the owners than the cows.
I believe we generally have wider shoulders on the roads in which to walk in the countryside, giving less reason to trespass.
We also have a lot more people quite willing to sue if they happen to stub their toe on someone else's property..
Pff. Try dealing with free range beef cattle some time. I've had to run long and hard more than once to escape one determined to kill me.
When the aliens take them up in the saucer - it changes them. They come back broken. Delicious... but broken.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
When the aliens take them up in the saucer - it changes them. They come back broken. Delicious... but broken.
You've got it wrong. The cows ARE the aliens. Their spaceship is in Blacksburg, Virginia, but they can't leave earth because they locked the keys inside. I live in fear of the Terror Cow and keep lots of grape soda at the house, just in never know when lemurs with anti-gravity shoes figure out how to hot wire the control panel for the weapons system.
This message was paid for by the Committee to Elect Joel Furr as President.
9/2/11 6:38 p.m.
foxtrapper wrote:
Try dealing with free range beef cattle some time.
Agree that they can be dangerous, but I think that free ranging pigs are worse.
The British can get very excited about such violence.
"It's a truly unfortunate thing to have happened."
JoeyM wrote:
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
When the aliens take them up in the saucer - it changes them. They come back broken. Delicious... but broken.
You've got it wrong. The cows ARE the aliens. Their spaceship is in Blacksburg, Virginia, but they can't leave earth because they locked the keys inside. I live in fear of the Terror Cow and keep lots of grape soda at the house, just in never know when lemurs with anti-gravity shoes figure out how to hot wire the control panel for the weapons system.
This message was paid for by the Committee to Elect Joel Furr as President.

The truth is out there...
In reply to JoeyM:
Tear in your foil hat ? Funny!
9/3/11 8:55 p.m.
They hate it when you ride them 
redrabbit wrote:
In reply to JoeyM:
Tear in your foil hat ? Funny!
Of course.....that's how we communicate with the lemurs
I don't care if the cows are aliens...

... they grill up mighty fine