RealMiniDriver wrote:
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
OK, how does this sound. 6.5 HP Shopvac. Place suction tube near the hole... taunt insects. When they stop coming out of the hole... spray death into suction stream. Poke new hole in nest with pointed stick... fill with bug spray.
It's got everything - power tools, danger, stupidity and ample glory.
Don't forget the camcorder. Helmet-mounted GoPro gets you bonus points.
y'all left out the alcohol and the 'hey, watch this' part 
8/10/12 9:42 a.m.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
OK, how does this sound. 6.5 HP Shopvac. Place suction tube near the hole... taunt insects. When they stop coming out of the hole... spray death into suction stream. Poke new hole in nest with pointed stick... fill with bug spray.
It's got everything - power tools, danger, stupidity and ample glory.
And for bonus points, the close proximity of butane and other highly volatile compounds to an open-brush electric motor...

Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
alfadriver wrote:
At a certain point, I would hire a specialist.
I just blanched and thought a little less of you. There is nothing going to happen here that can't be fixed with a syringe full of Epinephrin. Where is your dignity?
I can deal with that. 
I'm not a fan of being stung. Especially from insects who can do it more than once.
BTW, can you borrow a smoke machine? Calm them, plastic bag, freezer. TV showed specialists doing that to a hive of killer bees in LA. Not that I would do that. No way.
RealMiniDriver wrote:
Don't forget the camcorder. Helmet-mounted GoPro gets you bonus points.
nah, tripod mounted, several feet away from the action - I like a true panorama of the action. Shaky, documentary-esque style video is annoying, and youre almost always likely to miss a majority of the action.
fasted58 wrote:
Don't forget the camcorder. Helmet-mounted GoPro gets you bonus points.
BRILLIANT. Wearing the helmet with the visor down is armor! Hell, I'll put on the whole Sparco suit with gloves and boots. I should be impervious! I wouldn't even need the bug spray. I could just walk up and smash that E36 M3. It would be like a The Stig vs Hornets. I could get rich on youtube proceeds. Do shaving ads and E36 M3...
It's going to be an interesting evening.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
Wearing the helmet with the visor down is armor! Hell, I'll put on the whole Sparco suit with gloves and boots. I should be impervious! I wouldn't even need the bug spray. I could just walk up and smash that E36 M3. It would be like a The Stig vs Hornets. I could get rich on youtube proceeds. Do shaving ads and E36 M3...
It's going to be an interesting evening.
youre my hero. I salute you sir, and would like to subscribe to your newsletter
I really hope this one is caught on tape. 
Again, not to be that guy but the term is Bold Face...not bald face. Unless your Hornet's nest has a face with no hair on it? I don;t even see how Bold Face applies but whatever.
Those Hornet's nests are not like the Death Star. That hole does not lead directly into the core, it is designed to stop rain and such from getting inside. Your spray did not penetrate too far, so the majority of the wasps survived. Also, if you did it during the day, not many were home anyway.
Wait until a very cool evening when they are all asleep in their beds* and then hit them. You should start by knocking the nest down, a long pruning pole and some track shoes work well here. Once the nest is on the ground, it will be abandoned. If you can knock it into a garbage can, all the better. You can drop a lid on it (the following evening).
*Wasps and Hornets do not actually sleep in little beds. They are evil and should be killed.
pinchvalve wrote:
Again, not to be that guy but the term is Bold Face...not bald face. Unless your Hornet's nest has a face with no hair on it? I don;t even see how Bold Face applies but whatever.

Not to be that guy but In your face motherberkeleyer!!!
Oh yeah. Thats how I roll.
Open Flame.
That's not the same as burning. The flame burns their wings as they exit and they fall to the ground to be killed.
Smoke & heat makes sure they exit.
I will now combine two things that have already been mentioned in this thread. Brakleen AND fire, redneck flame thrower. And definitely film this.
Actually don't do this. It's just to get you stung about a billion times and probably the can of Brakleen will burst.
I'm a wasp/bee exterminator, by virtue of being a registered beekeeper. Make a little money on the side by doing this kind of work.
I use Spectracide. The stuff in a green can. You can buy it at just about any hardware store. It's got about the best knock down power of anything else on the market. It's also got a lot of power in the can, so it will rip up a nest, that is important.
Fire at night, when they are all home. Go up the hole if possible. Otherwise, just blast through the side. Don't stop, empty the can into the nest. Rip it apart, and soak everything inside, and everyone there.
The foamy stuff, that just seems to irritate wasps, and make them shiny.
As funny as most of these are, here's what I would do. I got mobbed by some of those underground honey badger hornets that don't give a E36 M3. I ran, they chased, I got stung. Later that night, when they were dormant, I poured a full gallon of gasoline down that hole. They all died. The fumes kill them. If it's close enough to the ground, probably a 20 oz coke bottle full of gasoline stuck up the entrance hole and insert hose and pour moar petrogasahol down into the nest from the top. Full prtroleum emersion will destroy all.
Just my $0.02.
Or do what Foxtrapper said. Seems he knows better. LOL
In reply to Conquest351:
We did the same after my wife ran over 3 nests with the brush mower. Bee suit, about 3 gallons of gas. We lit the gas after we poured it though. Extra excitement that way. Worked pretty well.
8/10/12 10:54 a.m.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
OK, how does this sound. 6.5 HP Shopvac. Place suction tube near the hole... taunt insects. When they stop coming out of the hole... spray death into suction stream. Poke new hole in nest with pointed stick... fill with bug spray.
It's got everything - power tools, danger, stupidity and ample glory.
Please for the love of god, let this happen. I would further advise priming the vac with bug death so that they're dying as soon as they hit the barrel, and maybe line it with flypaper or something so they get stuck even if they don't die... but beyond that, game on. And as stated a million times before, this needs to be on video.
8/10/12 10:55 a.m.
Brake cleaner works great.....just get 3-4cans of it.
8/10/12 11:11 a.m.
Wouldn't it be great if any army of super bugs tried to take over the world? I wouldn't feel so bad about the war, then.
Aliens/Starship Troopers.
Multiple cans. We had a BIIIIIG one under the deck when we first moved in. First and second cans (left and right hand) get the gazillion angry motherberkeleyers coming out. Third can (on the ground or hip) soaks the nest until it's heavy and mushy enough to fall.
Be prepared - they are angry agressive motherberkeleyers. Also: Having had big nerdy allergy testing and years of shots: They are my berkeleying arch nemesis; on the top of the "Get stung ONCE, and you'd better be high-berkeleying tailing it to the hospital with an epi-pen hanging outta your leg" list. know...should anyone want to kill me and make it look like an accident.
And yes, it is "BALD FACE" or "white face" berkeleying plebian. 
Oh, and berkeleying seriously, don't use brake cleaner (aside from giving you berkeleying ball cancer and making your babies all berkeleyed up, it doesn't shoot 20-30 feet,) don't "poke" at the nest, don't use a berkeleying water hose. Use the foaming spray. It'll piss 'em off, they'll come pouring out of the nest all foamed up, sex-crazed and retard strong, spray spray spray till all them berkeleyers are dead and the nest is on the ground. Then spray some more.
Tonight, we're having Roast Beee.
I've had to do multiple applications of the killer spray to get the population knocked down. Spray a couple times a day till it becomes managable then put a lawn/trash bag under it open in a stand then spray with a water hose and knock it down into the bag. Fogger spray should help keep them at bay while you seal the bag. I've used Black Flag and Spectracide and Brake Cleaner. It all works, just takes multiple application. Wasps and Bees don't seem to like brake cleaner very much at all. Then wash and spray the attachment point. If there is a trace of where the old nest was they have a tendency to rebuild at the same location.
Brakleen really does turn it into a sport. Someone just needs to develope a tiny scope for the end of the straw. 
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
fasted58 wrote:
Don't forget the camcorder. Helmet-mounted GoPro gets you bonus points.
BRILLIANT. Wearing the helmet with the visor down is armor! Hell, I'll put on the whole Sparco suit with gloves and boots. I should be impervious! I wouldn't even need the bug spray. I could just walk up and smash that E36 M3. It would be like a The Stig vs Hornets. I could get rich on youtube proceeds. Do shaving ads and E36 M3...
It's going to be an interesting evening.
Hee hee. I can't wait to see this. (rubs hands in anticipation)