The significant other brought home Nibbler's ashes today (our poor kitty that was ran down almost 2 weeks ago) and brought an extended-test-drive kitteh too. It's a little white furball that purrs up a storm. Kinda cute.
VERY intense blue eyes and is currently home to the Humane Society. If we (being myself and Einstein, our other cat) like her then we can adopt tomorrow.
I'm already trying to think of names! 
mel_horn wrote:
Might be the answer to Almost everything....
My wife would have heart failure if I named a cat after a car. She had a bad enough time with Jack and Gyro. Maybe yours(wife not cat) is nicer than mine.
My wife has a pair of chinchillas that I named Lotus and Tucker.
She has a lovebird named Holley.
I have a cat named Phydaux.
Go with it, it works.
I hope to have a shop dog named Diesel one day.
4/23/09 9:05 p.m.
Toyman01 wrote:
mel_horn wrote:
Might be the answer to Almost everything....
My wife would have heart failure if I named a cat after a car. She had a bad enough time with Jack and Gyro. Maybe yours(wife not cat) is nicer than mine.
We were at the vet last week and saw this toy yorkie puppy. Yes, a toy yorkie. One of the gals there was commenting about how it slid around a lot because it was butt-heavy. I don't remember what it's real name was, but it will forever be "Carrerra" in my mind.
If it is all white with blue eyes, check its hearing...
strong chance that its deaf, and if it is it is almost certainly the result of inbreeding.
telling not to ruin your day or anything, my former stepfamily had a cat as described and it lit itself on fire walking over candles 2x, jumped off a 2nd story balcony once, would sit nose to nose with a wall for extended periods of time, almost never groomed itself (and rolled in its own dung)...
not joking, just warning to be aware! (kinda thankful that cat went with them when mom divorced the guy, too much work looking after it)
i know what yo have been going through, we lost my moms cat last fall to kidney failure. Gave her a nice burial at the top of a rock waterfall in the garden. thankfully her brother is gracing my bed with his presence as i type this (keeping it warm for me). Had these cats for 12 years now, very much members of the family.
9C1, Nancy1. My boy Ike(30lb cat) his ashes are on top of my bed head. We had 8 great years together
still miss him.
Here are my 2 cats.
Charcoal on the left, Destiny on the right
we have had them since 1997 and I could never ask for better companions.
and the cat we inherited from my grandparents, KitKat

thought it might be fun to share
I want to name my next dog Vanos. You could rock that!
It's white with black and orange ears, a black nose, and a blackish tail. It's long hair and curious. It loves Einstein but Einy wasn't too happy (he didn't like Nibbler either at first but he's been depressed since she died).
I've been trying out different names but nothing feels right yet. She responded to "Stormtrooper" but I think that would get me in trouble. 
4/24/09 7:44 a.m.
The black and orange combination begs for some sort of Hallowe'en reference though.
Frankie? (blue eyes, possibly not so schmaht)
We've had several long hair, white fur, blue eyed Mainecoon cats and they were great. Didn't live too long, but great. Isaac was the last one. I saved his life 3 times. He was appreciative. He would be sitting about 6' from the food bowl while a 'coon would be eating his food. He'd look at the 'coon and say "Daddy's gonna kill you." I'd open the door, stick a SKS barrel out, blast the 'coon (remember we're talking 7.62x39 here, not 22), and Isaac wouldn't move, just look at 'coon and say "Told you."
Ian F
4/24/09 8:53 a.m.
Dr. Hess wrote:
We've had several long hair, white fur, blue eyed Mainecoon cats and they were great. Didn't live too long, but great. Isaac was the last one. I saved his life 3 times. He was appreciative. He would be sitting about 6' from the food bowl while a 'coon would be eating his food. He'd look at the 'coon and say "Daddy's gonna kill you." I'd open the door, stick a SKS barrel out, blast the 'coon (remember we're talking 7.62x39 here, not 22), and Isaac wouldn't move, just look at 'coon and say "Told you."
LOL. 'Coon's ain't that smart... and don't understand 'cat-speak '... 
I really want a cat... and there's what appears to be a shelter at the end of my street... but I just fear I'm not home enough... 
In a way, cats are easier to care for than dogs. Ours is fairly cool with being left alone for a couple days if we have to take a short trip out of town. Leave some extra food and water, and he's golden. Talks up a storm when we get home, but that's about it. Oddly enough, the wife understands most of what he says. Like, "my food dropped to the floor" (we have it on the table from when we also had our dog, who would otherwise demolish the cat food), and "my litter box needs attention." Or even "there's someone at the door", since we can't hear anyone knocking when we're in the media room. To me, it's all "Meow"
I think this one's British... It's needy, makes noise, and doesn't handle running all that great. Cute though. The face looks like a white cat stuck it's nose in a car and came out greasy 
I've tried Miata, Lotus, Elise, and Abominable Snowball but nothing so far. The other cat keeps looking at it like it's a snack so I've taken to calling it "Snack Bar" or "Nachos" for now.
Cool cats! KitKat looks hilarious! 
Nigel, Errol, CLARKSON...
P71 wrote:
Cool cats! KitKat looks hilarious!
you have no idea, lol

(photo taken at moment of thunder crack)
Aha! She's responding to "Tesla"! It matches Einstein (both scientists in case you're 3) and she has the neato electric blue eyeballs! Plus it's a cool Lotus-based sports car 
4/24/09 1:11 p.m.
P71 wrote:
I think this one's British... It's needy, makes noise, and doesn't handle running all that great. Cute though. The face looks like a white cat stuck it's nose in a car and came out greasy
I've tried Miata, Lotus, Elise, and Abominable Snowball but nothing so far. The other cat keeps looking at it like it's a snack so I've taken to calling it "Snack Bar" or "Nachos" for now.
Hmm... British...
Lucas, Tuscan, Cooper, Aston, "DB" (Debbie), Morgan, Bentley, Royce, Phantom...
Dr. Hess wrote:
We've had several long hair, white fur, blue eyed Mainecoon cats and they were great. Didn't live too long, but great. Isaac was the last one. I saved his life 3 times. He was appreciative. He would be sitting about 6' from the food bowl while a 'coon would be eating his food. He'd look at the 'coon and say "Daddy's gonna kill you." I'd open the door, stick a SKS barrel out, blast the 'coon (remember we're talking 7.62x39 here, not 22), and Isaac wouldn't move, just look at 'coon and say "Told you."
Not to hijack the thread, but why in the world would you do such a thing?
Here's Rocky enjoying a pop-tart while in rehab from a leg injury. We've had cats and raccoons peacefully get along for decades.